So yesterday in my rush to make use of the fantastic sunny weather we had, I forgot to dilute my fertiliser to 1/4 strength when I went to water my seedlings.
At the moment, things appear okay. Should I be worried? Would flushing be an option? Should I perhaps repot with fresh soil?
The fertiliser I used is labeled as a mix of organic and inorganic 5-5-5 liquid; the soil is 100% coir. For 10L of water, it calls for 20ml of solution. I do recall using this at full strength for seedlings planted in the ground last year back when I didn't know any better and never had any problems.
Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?
At the moment, things appear okay. Should I be worried? Would flushing be an option? Should I perhaps repot with fresh soil?
The fertiliser I used is labeled as a mix of organic and inorganic 5-5-5 liquid; the soil is 100% coir. For 10L of water, it calls for 20ml of solution. I do recall using this at full strength for seedlings planted in the ground last year back when I didn't know any better and never had any problems.
Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions?