addicted in San Diego

What a neat forum, Ive already fried my brain looking over all the information in this forum. Ive always loved hot/spicy foods and now am trying to take that love a step furthur... It all started at the home depot for some reason this gangly looking habanero plant was calling my name so I said what the heck and Ive never looked back. After serveral weeks of looking over my plant I just had to get more. With a little luck online I was able to stumble upon some Equadorian Devils Breath along with a Pumkin habanero, Sanji Red and finnaly a Trinadad Scorpion.

I am using posts as I live in an apt. My balcony only gets 4-5 hours of good sunlight but that seems to be doing the trip.. After one month on my balcony this is my crop.... THe Scorpion hasn't grown much and I think the roots may have continued to formn in the shape of there original pot, so I might have to do some root pruning.

Let me know what you guys think... Ive used Organic soil and a little fish and bone meal for the first watering but thats it...

Also one question with cross polination... I know traits are only supposed to show with the second generation but my habenero plant seems to be growing one massive pepper that seems to have a different shape in the others?





I guess I have one more question... WIth my Hab plant I got these little guys, They started gree but within the first week turned orange and stoped growing. once I plucked them I got the big boys growing in. What was the reason for that? If I should have any more "premies" should I take them off?
welcome to the site! where in SD are you? what HD did you get that HAB plant from? i bought a HaB plant from the HD off Genesee/Balboa and my pods are looking similar to yours(might be some kind of cross) i currently have 13+ pepper plants on my balcony and more are being germinated! if you want some seeds just shoot me a mesasge and i will let you know what i have avail.
welcome to the site! where in SD are you? what HD did you get that HAB plant from? i bought a HaB plant from the HD off Genesee/Balboa and my pods are looking similar to yours(might be some kind of cross) i currently have 13+ pepper plants on my balcony and more are being germinated! if you want some seeds just shoot me a mesasge and i will let you know what i have avail.

Im in University City next to the UTC mall.... I got my Hab from th HD in mira measa, the rest of the plants from went to pick them up.
Im in University City next to the UTC mall.... I got my Hab from th HD in mira measa, the rest of the plants from went to pick them up.
Ahh so you got them from Jim! i am over by Mission BAy and got 99% of my plants from him. so far they have all lived except the ones i killed due to over watering!
Ahh so you got them from Jim! i am over by Mission BAy and got 99% of my plants from him. so far they have all lived except the ones i killed due to over watering!

Yep, so far the plants are doing just fine... Jim was really kind and hooked me up with a few etra plants too... I gave them to a few friends to see who has the greener thumb... The hab and Devils breath seem to be thriving but the Saji and the Trinidad aren't growing as much as id like.