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Adopted a Habanero.

Today, a friend of mine gave me one of his Habanero plants. He had acouple of them, but didn't give them the attention they really need. I'm posting a picture of it's current state, and have a few questions? Based off of my AMAZING iPhone 4 pictures, how healthy does it look? Also, how much should I be watering this plant, and how often? Thanks everyone, for helping out a quick learning newbie! :clap:

It doesn't look good mate. It looks like a plant after I've tended to it for a while :(
I'm no expert, just a relative newbie myself, but I know that look because I've caused it so much :)

Way too big a pot for the size of the plant, and odds are it's been over watered. I'd re-pot it into a smaller pot with as much new potting mix as I could change.

edit: Do a tug test. Pull on the stem and if all the soil around the stem seems like it's going to give way and let you pull the plant out easy, I'm right. If it seems firmly entrenched and you'd have to pull all the soil and everything out the pot to release the plant, I'm wrong.
Wait until the soil is dry before the tug test.
try adding some mulch to the top it will help hold in moisture and should hold moisture in the pot for you.
Then hit it with some epson salt folier spray see what happens.
Do you know what the ph of the soil or the water that you water it with?
You could have that plant healthy in no time it looks like it is putting out little flower towards the top.
Wait until the soil is dry before the tug test.
try adding some mulch to the top it will help hold in moisture and should hold moisture in the pot for you.
Then hit it with some epson salt folier spray see what happens.
Do you know what the ph of the soil or the water that you water it with?
You could have that plant healthy in no time it looks like it is putting out little flower towards the top.

No I don't know what the pH of either are, sorry. :(
I have a smaller to gallon plastic pot I could move it to. Should I?
Leave it in the big pot, water only when dry, try to get the plant outside, gradually if it has not been kept outside.