advanced growing

PepperWhisperer said:
True dat. I wish him lots of luck, but if he has never farmed fish or never done hydroponic growing, he is in for some extreme learning. This isn't a zero-input system, since you are constantly extracting product. The write up I saw was using Tilapia because they were tolerant of the low O2 environment in the hydroponic water. Keeping all the parameters balanced has to be tough. The extreme setup only makes sense if there is a severe space constraint. I would expect higher yields from separate hydroponic and fish ponds, but still recycling all the nutrients.
Then again, what do I know? If he gets it running and starts making money hand over fist give me a ring  :P
It reminded me of the best question I was ever asked while working in hydro shops, two kids came in and said "we only have one, we know everything there is to know about growing but just have to ask how we start a seed"...  They didn't believe me when I said soak it in water for 12 hours then stick it in soil...
I read about one system where the guy was using giant oscars as the fish, mostly because he could feed them anything from green waste to half eaten burgers.  I don't think he was recirculating the water though, just filtering solid waste (which also had algae growing in the tanks for fish food) and N conversion, then over the plants, then out to garden beds from there.
PepperWhisperer said:
Step 1) Build space station.
I think this takes the cake for "advanced growing"
Space is old hat, I hear the cutting edge of growing is on pluto now :p
What rock have all of you been living under???
I already have an army of these...
