overwintering Advice on overwintering? Help

Need help never overwintered a plant before and plan to overwinter one of my hab plants and just need a quick guide to the basics
I overwintered my habanero this past winter, (first time), it survived and is thriving now.
My most used go to advice was do not over water. I had a sticky note on the table and wrote down the date each time I watered. Ended up every 21-26 days I would douse it, poured water in until it was approaching overflow. AND I curled an aluminum foil oven liner around the back of it to get more out of each day's sunlight, it really reacted favorably to that.
I'm going to shoot for a second overwinter this year and may invest in some sort of supplemental lighting.
Here she is delivering the goods, very productive season for one plant,(for me). Good luck!

I had a Butch T that I kept for three years before I killed it by putting it out too early and a late frost got it. Pics are somewhere in one of my older glogs.

Now, I take cuttings and clone them. Much easier to keep a small plant (or several) alive than one larger plant.

I have a west facing window that I set them next to, and I bought a cheap two-lamp 2 foot T5 fixture with 6500K lamps to supplement light.

Water when dry, a little nutrients one a month, and let them do their thing.
First and foremost I would make sure the plant I am bringing in is pest and pathogen free. I admit to being more neurotic than most,but I've never had bugs in my indoor grow and have wintered many plants over the years(16 last season). There are plenty of threads of members dealing with aphids,whitefly,etc.
My garage temps are too cold for Capsicum and overwintering isn't always easy, though it can often be done.

However I took cuttings last year (on October 13 2020) and literally kept them in a cup in a widow and just changed the water at least every other day to keep it fresh. Those cuttings did just fine and I planted the nicest ones in containers under lights indoors only a few weeks before planting them out when temps were right in early summer (1st half of June in my location) and those plants are doing just fine.

I recommend that in addition to overwintering plants in containers people can take cuttings in autumn to keep their favorite plants alive.
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