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Advice on pain medication???

So it seems I have outgrown Norco.  Got switched to Perkaset.  Thing is, it knocks me out.  Perfect for right now because I am not allowed to put any weight on my feet for two more weeks.  But after that, not going to want to sleep so much.  Also makes me want to vomit for the first half hour after taking. 

I know a few folk here have some fairly serious challenges and likely in the same boat.  Hoping for advice.  Will I get used to this stuff?  Is there something less strong other than Norco which no longer does a thing?  Should I ask for something different?  Right now I would be afraid to take this stuff and run a tiller or lawn mower.
I had percoset once along with flexeril. loved it.
Eat something before taking it and if you like coffee have a cup with it. The caffeine seems to enhance it, but maybe it just seemed that way at the time. :high:
Thought about the above post a bit after making it and, Sorry, I know this didn't help, but when the doc actually gives you something that works and works good you never forget it. When you mentioned percs it all came back.
Halving the pills will work and halving the dosing times as well. keeps lower amounts of the meds in you without the peaks and valleys of every 4-6 hours.
Usually the next step up from the Norco [hydrocodone with tylenol] is the perc [oxycodone w tylenol]. Same family but very strong. You could for the time being attempt a quarter tab and see if it cuts the pain enough where it's better than the Norco but not making you drowsy.

It's normal to become sleepy from this medication if you aren't used to its potency. For me, personally, it's over the top and makes me sick. I can only take half a tab for a dose. Sometimes, tramadol can assist with the pain management on top of the Norco to prevent you from having to up to the oxycodone.

As for as less addictive substrates and what the pain is originating from.. Lyrica or Gabapentin have often been used for nerve pain.

I'd say; try the quarter and up as needed to meet your pain tolerance reduction. To avoid the nausea; either cut the med or ask for Ondansetron. Very normal to see the two ordered at the same time. That might suppress the nausea.

Oh, and don't take an empty stomach. After a meal 15 m in is a good time. This way it will limit the amount of nausea.

Good luck. Let me know if that helps.
AvidLiving said:
I'd say; try the quarter and up as needed to meet your pain tolerance reduction.
What he said. You can even take a large empty pill bottle (90-120 percocet size) and dissolve one in pure water to better titer small doses. A sip at the time. Just don't let the pain get away from you.
AvidLiving, have been on Lyrica for over a decade.  It is amazing for nerve pain.  Now learning it helps with phantom pain from missing bits.  The Percaset is the new medicine.  I wont really need as much of it for a couple of weeks when I start walking again, but pain management is every two months so he anticipated the need.  For now, thinking I can cope with half that so for second dose, broke pill in half.  Not as sick to my stomach. I think I a going to try to build up to taking half dose twice as often. 
Thank you and the others who have replied for not thinking I am a pill head.  People most often talk of pain management in very negative terms.  Yep, am physically dependent on opiates.  None too happy about that.  But a person has to balance quality of life against the down sides.  I have been so much better off since admitting I needed help and starting with pain management.  Without the help, no way I would be able to pay the mortgage.  Everything I do for an income involves walking.

I had a back injury at work and was on norco for 4 months. The dr recently put me on nucynta and it works great. Its still an opioid but its spose to have less side effects and less risk of dependency.
Kind of a controversial topic but I had a close friend get off all the pain pills he was on and switch to kratom. said pain was a little stronger but he didn't feel like a zombie anymore. don't know much more about it but it seems really promising for some people. 
I'll second nucynta and your welcome. Pain of any type is pain unwelcomed. I'm not sure if you have insurance but a cheaper perc would be to have the md prescribe the oxycodone separate and take otc Tylenol [acetaminophen]. Same med just split up and less money.
Walchit said:
You need a little weed in your regimen!
Naw, to be in an opiate pain management program in Kentucky you have to pee in a cup a minimum of every two months.  But it could be random at any time.  Nothing against the stuff, but the pain relief qualities are mostly just sedative.  Its a risk vs. reward thing.
AJ Drew said:
Nothing against the stuff, but the pain relief qualities are mostly just sedative.

     Some people I know who use high-CBD cannabis to deal with nerve pain would strongly disagree with that ^.
     My old landlord used to have to take handfuls of ibuprophen and naproxen to deal with knee pain (osteoarthritis from old injuries) and severe foot pain (neurogenic). Once he started being prescribed medical weed a year and a half ago, his life changed a few seconds after the first puff.
     He said it obliterated the nerve pain almost instantaneously - something NSAIDS and opioids were never able to do. Now that he doesn't have stabbing, burning pain in his feet 24/7, he is able to sleep at night and he is much more physically active than he was previously able to be. The knee pain isn't completely gone, but his increased mobility and physical activity have helped him regain range of motion and strengthen his legs. Along with helping him lose weight (from being more active) that has eased his knee pain a lot.
     The kind of weed he smokes doesn't sedate him or provide much of a "high" at all. Which is great - he can work, drive and interact just like normal. The only clues you'd have that he's smoking are the giant, fog machine rips he takes off his pocket vaporizer. Right in public. He doesn't give a shit. He's so happy to have a way out of the pain that used to be ruining his life, he literally wants to tell the world about it!
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
Opioids, by definition, are man-made. But opiates are just opium isolates, like codeine and morphine.
That brings up a fun topic. I think norco is natural and the new to me perciset is synthetic. The natural did not make me puke.

Reportedly, things like fake vanilla are identical to the real stuff. I dont believe it. Real vanilla has its own special taste.

Hot sauce folk swear they can taste when extracts are used. None too sure about that because some extracts are natural plant material. But if they use pure cap, I wonder. Is that natural or man made?
     Norco (hydrocodone) and percocet (oxycodone) are both synthetic. Both have differing side affects. Just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it won't have any side affects.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
Norco (hydrocodone) and percocet (oxycodone) are both synthetic. Both have differing side affects. Just because something is "natural" doesn't mean it won't have any side affects.
Very much agree that all natural means next to nothing in this context. Wife cant do morphine (natural I believe) but she is OK with the one with a d. Something like dilotid? I think the one with a d is synthetic. On the other hand, she can not do stevia but it is natural.

I think my initial problem with percocet was that it is not pressed hard and seems to have no coating. Norco seems almost shiney with coating and is pressed hard. I think the new stuff just disolves too fast for me. Now taking half a pill twice as often and no problems.

PS - Learning as I go. A year ago, I wouldnt touch any of it. But balancing quality of live vs. side effects.