Afghan Short and Long

Ok, so I have been looking around online and I believe I have found two peppers that grow in Afghanistan. I don't know if any of you have seen these before or heard of them or even grown/tried them. Either way, I am on a personal mission while I am here to try to find peppers that are native to Afghanistan. Hopefully I will be successful.

Now, if I do find them and manage to grow them I will send seeds to anyone that wants them. Granted, it will be a little while probably, but I am throwing out the heads up now.

Sounds good! Do you know the specs on them? Are they C. Chineese? Do you know the SHU on them? Thanks I will follow this thread. Just did a search on the web. Looks like they are annums. Bummer
Sounds good! Do you know the specs on them? Are they C. Chineese? Do you know the SHU on them? Thanks I will follow this thread. Just did a search on the web. Looks like they are annums. Bummer

Ya I don't know much on them. From what I have found on them it doesn't seem like they are that hot at all. But I am more curious about the flavor of them. If they have good flavor they would probably be good to add to a sauce with something else hot, or even just by themselves as a topping. Who knows, lol.
