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African Fish

You are welcome, and having launched the "African Fish" into a few different trades now, I can just say this: I follow smokemaster's advice and do not change the names of seeds or pods I get from people. If I received it as the "African Fish" it goes back out as the "African Fish." If I know they aren't what name they have when I receive them, I just add a (not) following the name, and the true variety if known. For example, my Hirt's Garden Bhut Jolokia would be called "Hirt's Garden Bhut Jolokia (not) - Caribbean Red Habanero." Sorry for any confusion, but I didn't name it to begin with.

I had a sense of deja vu reading these posts. Recently hosted a pepper swap on another forum, and had heard of Fish, but Midwestchilehead sent it in labeled as African Fish. When I researched it, I came to the conclusion that it was the same thing. Anyway, just sowed mine a couple of days ago. Can't wait to try it! Thanks John!
You are welcome, and having launched the "African Fish" into a few different trades now, I can just say this: I follow smokemaster's advice and do not change the names of seeds or pods I get from people. If I received it as the "African Fish" it goes back out as the "African Fish." If I know they aren't what name they have when I receive them, I just add a (not) following the name, and the true variety if known. For example, my Hirt's Garden Bhut Jolokia would be called "Hirt's Garden Bhut Jolokia (not) - Caribbean Red Habanero." Sorry for any confusion, but I didn't name it to begin with.
No worries! I learned so much from researching all of the new to me varieties. If you hadn't sent it in that way, I would have never learned that Fish was an African pepper : )

I did put an additional label with the correct spelling on packets where the sender made a simple spelling error (such as Red Savinia, instead of Red Savina). I'm sure there are peppers, tomatoes, etc. out there that are the same thing, but called by different names, as a result of misspellings being passed down. Kind of like that game we used to play in elementary school, where the teacher would whisper in one kid's ear, and by the time it went around the room, the message was completely different. I felt the need, as a host, to preserve the integrity of the original name. Hope that makes sense.