Air drying peppers

Im sure you could make a solar dryer at home fairly easy

Just look at this picture

some pvc tube and a hook with some transparent net or something to prevent flies
I only dry the long, thinskinned ones like cayennes and thais, but I just push a threaded needle through each pepper stem and hang them in a window that gets the most sun. Hell, I've still got a few hanging that have been there for maybe a year or more because they look cool... probably not too fit for eating anymore though. 
peppamang said:
I only dry the long, thinskinned ones like cayennes and thais, but I just push a threaded needle through each pepper stem and hang them in a window that gets the most sun. Hell, I've still got a few hanging that have been there for maybe a year or more because they look cool... probably not too fit for eating anymore though. 
As long as they stay dry and not moist or mouldy , they should be edible.
I'm hang drying a good bit of red cayenne right now. Only 2 showed rot. I tossed the one that was pretty bad but just cut the bad part off the other and it continued drying perfectly fine. 
I'm on the coast in florida so no outside drying for me unfortunately but a sunny window works well.