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AJ Backyard Pod Porn 07-31-10


Seems I am on the right track for the plants that now have pods on them...to me, each of these are very representative of the variety they are supposed to be...yes, I know, I am an opinionated old B******.....

Jamaican Reds - this pod type is my absolute favorite to grow...this plant is an annuum I saved from seed last year...got the original seeds from TomatoGrowers...


Red Savina - have already picked about 15 pods...not off this one plant of course...this is my fourth year growing these...don't remember who I got the original seed from...


Yellow Habanero - these are going to be massive producers and I have 30 of them...seed from Burpee...


Trinidad Congo (Red) - I love the large pods this plants produces...when full harvest comes, these pods will weigh 12-15 grams each...This is my 3rd year growing these...original seed from TriniHottie (Thanks Trini)


Black Congo - great tasting pods somewhat hotter than an orange hab that produces decent sized pods and ripen to a dark brown color...pretty plants when they are loaded..3rd year for these and seeds came from TH


Yellow 7 Pot...pretty large yellow pods somewhat pimpled as you can see...jurys still out on the heat...3rd year..seeds from TH


7 Pot (TSH) - I took a chance this year and bought some 7 pot seeds from an online advertisement for local farmers...glad I did...plants are healthy and producing nice pods...


Brain Strain 7 Pod ( ;) ) - thanks Cappy is all I can say...these are great shaped pods, and the heat is really there...


Bhut Jolokia - best of all of them IMO...this is the great grandson of Pablo (one of the world record Plants)- 3rd year for these...seeds from another member...thanks man...


Had to show Billy Biker Jalapenos and Hot Bananas to use up my quota of pics per post... roflmao..



can't wait until September when the plants really start pushing pods out...
Nice pod pics AJ.

Are your Jamaican Reds a type of scotch bonnet?

Pods look just like mine called Jamaica Red Scotch Bonnet from Pepper Gal.
Great Pic's & info AJ, love the look of that Bhut Jolokia. I've got 6 Bhut's seeds germinated (very excited), i'll post pic soon of my seedlings...I'm rapt.
thanks all...

SS...yes, they were called Jamaican Red Scotch Bonnets...they are definitely annuums from the leaf shapes...'bout 1/3 to 1/2 as hot as a orange hab IMO...

I need a chinense that has this pod shape...
AJ. the pods look outstanding. Hows the heat in your area. I heard last year it was too hot for pepper production in Texas. Keep of the good work and cant wait to see more. :onfire:
I have biker billy seeds are they more pruductive than other jalapenos.
AJ, plants are looking awesome man! I got some pods that look just like yours lol! Your plants are already loaded and you say you can't wait until Sept. when they really load up, WOW! Keep up the good work man!

PS- I really like your irrigation setup.

Looking Great! Go War Eagle!!! Those Jamaican Red are huge!!I might wanna try summa those next year.Awesome grow as usual AJ.
Your very welcome ol' friend and thank you for calling it 7 Pod, I know that is what that wink is for. Your plants look great and so does the pool, going to run out of room very soon. The pod shots look really nice and like you say true to form, I'd say that's a BS. It has been the hottest june/july on record here and my plants are growing but not the pods I expect. I alway get excited to see updates in your pepper paradise and hope to share a 7 Pod Bloody with you one day. I really like that mushroom pod shape and think we need a Scotch Bonnet throwdown and see what everybody's got. My Bhut Jolokia I started this year is pablo but I'm going back to my saved seeds next season. :beer: You have a might fine backyard pepper pool oasis garden again sir.
Your very welcome ol' friend and thank you for calling it 7 Pod, I know that is what that wink is for. Your plants look great and so does the pool, going to run out of room very soon. The pod shots look really nice and like you say true to form, I'd say that's a BS. It has been the hottest june/july on record here and my plants are growing but not the pods I expect. I alway get excited to see updates in your pepper paradise and hope to share a 7 Pod Bloody with you one day. I really like that mushroom pod shape and think we need a Scotch Bonnet throwdown and see what everybody's got. My Bhut Jolokia I started this year is pablo but I'm going back to my saved seeds next season. :beer: You have a might fine backyard pepper pool oasis garden again sir.

I agree totally PRF we do need a Scotch Bonnet throwdown.
Very nice! Do you have hired help to come pick all those pods you will have??? :lol:

I have 1 Jamaican Red bonnet plant and the marketing blurb said "Scorching heat" :rofl:

Your description sounds better... so maybe I can do something with it all the family will eat :dance:
Mal...I love it when they pods are ripening (as does everyone else)...it should be a sea of color...

MadHatter...The heat here in North Texas causes me to lose July and August pod production...this is a double edged sword...on the one hand I get only annuums (bunches) and a few chinense during this time and on the other hand, the plants keep on growing, dropping buds/flowers, keep on growing, dropping buds/flowers...you get the idea...then when the weather cools in September, pod set city...the last few years, my major harvest has come the middle to end of November....I don't know if the BB Japs produce more but I do know they are hotter than the other standard habs I have grown...pods are very tasty and the wife loves them....thats why I got 18 of them...

CJB...I wonder why your pods look like mine (roflmao)...just wait until November my friend...thanks for the compliment on the irrigation system...I had to figure something out 'cause I won't be here for a few days on and off the entire summer and have to have a way to get water to the plants...was the cheapest and easiest solution I came up with...

logchief...always proud to show my crop...may not be the biggest plants or the most mass producting plants, but I always get a kick out of people coming to the house to buy plants and seeing their jaws drop when they walk through the gate to the back yard...

Wayright...WAR EAGLE back at 'cha...somehow can't bring myself to give you a return "go gators"...got sick of blue and orange the 15 months I lived in Gville...thanks man...

PRF...thanks man...I look forward to sharing a bloody mary with you one of these days...

Gas...thanks man...

PRF and Gas...I would be all over a scotch bonnet grow for next season...

Alphaeon...I probably needed help last year...I lost about 40 lbs that were left on the plant...just couldn't get them all harvested before the first freeze...think about picking 238 pounds of peppers in a week or two and how many pods that is...then all the processing and geez...as I said about the Jamaican Red...don't get me wrong, they are hot, but not hab hot IMO...if yours is hab hot or hotter, you may have a chinense scotch bonnet...

Patrick...you are welcome man...