Aji Amarillo- Green or Red?

Not sure about this one I thought Aji Amarillo ripened to Red This guy has had Pods for over a month and not a hint of Red?
Very freaking long time... Like months. It was rediculous how long to ripen. Even when they start to they take forever to finish.
I forgot I planted this one this year but have 25 - 30 pods on the plant that are huge, none of them are even showing signs of changing from green to yellow. Every other plant has been producing nicely (40 or so). I have to agree...wont be on the list next year!
"Amarillo"  is spanish for yellow, the peppers ripen to a bright orange.  Traditional recipes for amarillo sauce actually call for blanching all heat from the peppers before use.  Im growing Aji cristals this year for making "Aji Verde", I have two pods that Im ripeing for seeds and they are taking forever. Six weeks and the shoulders have barely turmed. My experience with "Aji"s in general is that they arent really suited for most general applications( sauce, cooking). they tend to be overly sweet or underwhelming.