Aji Jobito pod test

Loving your reviews and loving on some Aji this year.  So many folk are focused on super hots these days.  I am loving on fresh crunchy peppers that I can eat and enjoy as they are or maybe with dip.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Im still on the fence about which non heat chinense to grow next year.
I grew Ecuador Sweets, NuMex Suave (both colors), NuMex Trick Or Treat, and Frontera Sweets. Still waiting/hoping for my many green NuMex varieties to ripen, but I can say that, on my opinion, Bhuter's Jobitos beat the Ecuadors and the Fronteras on terms of all-round goodness.
I need them mostly for cooking and for filler in hab type hot sauces. Curry with the "hab" aroma but without the face melting heat. I like black beans with a little zip but its the aroma that really sets off some of the styles. I think in Cuba they use Aji Dulce but the ones i tried were so tame the aroma wasnt even there.
I want something i can use heavily in sofrito along with 1 or 2 hot habs/bonnets/jalas.