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Aji Limon - bumpy or smooth?

I'm growing a few Aji Limon (C. baccatum) this year for the first time. One of the plants is putting out bumpy pods, is this a common characteristic?


Interesting Charles, I have one like that too! Was wondering if it was normal or not?!

Kevin, stink bug? So the bumps are from bug damage?

My bumpy Aji Limon
I had similar bumps on one my bishops crown plants pods last season. I know its not the same variety but it is a baccatum.
I think it was Potawie who proposed the hypothesis that heat induces the bumpiness... can't wait to taste these suckers :party:
I think it was Potawie who proposed the hypothesis that heat induces the bumpiness... can't wait to taste these suckers :party:
Yeah, I think the heat has something to do with the bumpy spikes, I have different pods doing the same thing, but nothing like Spikey from 2011... we will see..
This form of bumps is due to environmental and nutrition fluctuation it is not genetic character, which mean even on the same plant u may find only this pod or other few ones not the whole plant’s production will look like that. Moreover, next generation will not have any bumps or spikes. Unlike the stable genetic characters like 7 pods for example
my hot lemons displayed the bumpy traits on various pods, don't be surprised if you also witness various shades of dark patches on the pods as well. Environmental factors brings the dark streaking as well.
if the taste is anything like hot lemon, it will be like a nice citrus/lemon flavour exploding in your mouth! enjoy.
Yeah, that makes sense... it does seem environmental. I meant to grow these last year, but didn't... can't wait to taste them!
if u like lemons w/ a wee bit of spice u will love it! i love them fresh, in salsa, w/ lemon juice garlic and olive oil on salad but most of all i like to dehydrate and mix w/ hotter peppers for spice blends adds a great flavor to ghost powder for instance