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harvesting AJs 15th Harvest 09-14-08


The amount of peppers harvested of each variety seems to be decreasing a bit, but the number of varieties is increasing...

This is a pic of my 15th harvest this year so far...hopefully I will get another 4 harvest at least maybe 5 or 6 if we have a long fall....

I picked 103 Orange Habs off my one 2 yr plant. That brings the total of O. Habs off that one plant to just over 500. There are probably another 200 on the plant and it is stll setting fruit...

Top Row L => R:
Yellow Bell Pepper, Orange Habanero, Red Bell Pepper

Bottom Left L => R:
top row - Jalapeno (stunted), Israeli Red, Thai Sun, bottom row - mixed Cayenne and Serrano Del Sol

Bottom Center L => R:
Top Row - Criolla Sella, Jamaican Hot Yellow, Unknown Hot SOB from Beth
Middle Row - Jamaican Hot Chocolate, Smoky Orange Habanero, Yatsafusa
Bottom Row - Haitian Hot, Dorset Naga (?), Devils Tongue, Super Chili

Bottom Right L => R:
Top - Passilo Bajio
Middle Row - Anaheim, NuMex Sandia
Bottom Row - Deda De Moca, Red Mushroom (stunted), Trinidad Perfume


Now to figure out what to do with these....a tomato based habanero hot sauce may be in order...
WOW. AJ that is wonderful. I do not think I will get 500 pods on all of my plant put together. Does the Smoky Orange Hab have a smoky flavor to them?
That's awesome. Yea I did a tomato based habanero salsa like two weeks ago and used 8 habs. Lets just say it was hot. Had half as salsa straight up and mixed the other half with melted velvetta cheese it was pretty good.
Yea I love fall when all our plants are trying to hurry and push out as many pods as possible before winter arrives. Your orange habanero is a machine 500 pods is insane. My plants are loaded with green pods with a handful ripening everyday to tie me over till the big fall harvest. I'm beside myself that even my 7 pot has a dozen or so green perfect pods. Your Passilo Bajio looks intimidating in black. Feel the burn.
Man thats a hell of a harvest and guessing your here you made it ok through IKE.Glad to see you mad without probs.
500 orange habs from one plant, that has to be a record, doesn't? 15th time you've done this too. You've got some mad growing skills AJ, thanks for the photos.
I am trying to get as many peppers that are ripe or ready to ripen at home atm and seeing pics like yours is giving me hope although your season is probably at least a month longer on each end.

Great harvest!