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AJs Backyard Pepper Porn 07-22-10

Another true inspiration for everyone around here. AJ you're absolutly right about this place. The more I see and read around here the more my mind get\s made up that end of this year will be retirement and have more time to do chiles
I am speechless.I don't even want to post my pics anymore! thanks guy. you have just inspired me to severly step up my game. i've only got 23 plants this year. i think i'm gonna go stare at that picture for about an hour now!

How often do you water your plants? With your growing conditions similar to mine in El Paso (with the exception of the humidity)... I go like 4 or even 5 days between watering and even then the plants don't start wilting or burning with temps a little over 100. I read about people misting their plants 2 or 3 times a day and watering every other day in Florida and other hot areas. Just wondering how you do it. Maybe my drainage is not as good as I thought if I can go that long between watering.

I agree with AjarnV that Sea of Green picture with the flowers just jumping out at you is amazing. Next time I fly into Dallas I will be looking out the window to see if I can see those flowers transformed into pods from the plane. That really gives me motivation for the years to come. I have the space in my yard and if my plants could someday look that beautiful I know I could talk the wife into hogging more space.

I don't know what to say gents except thank you all again...

I am actually way behind last years progress as I went back and reviewed some photos from July 09...I said I was about a month behind last year plus we had the 5th rainest year on record...I think that is why I am so behind...

here is a pic taken the July 12 last year of one of my harvests and I am no where near that this year...I think this picture tells you how much behind last year I am...


I had said earlier that I may hit 400 pounds this year but I am having to reconsider...I probably will only get to 300...heck, this time last year I had already harvested over 30 lbs and have only harvested about 8 this year and that has been BB jalapenos, sweet and hot bananas...of course, one of my best producers last year was the mariachi hybrid and I am not growing any of them this year...I also had a bunch of anaheim type and cayennes last year too which started coming off early...and no fataliis this year either...

here is a picture of naga island last year taken on 25 July and you can see Bhut Island is no where near as large...


I have been having to water once a day for the past two weeks...I have very good draining soil and I water until the water comes out of the bottom of the container...usually a 10 second count per container...today was the first day in a while I have not had to water...
Thanks AJ. I definitely need to work on the drainage in my pots. I may pull a few aside and experiment with improving the drainage and increasing the water. See if it helps them to grow a little fuller and healthier looking,

Absolutely outstanding chile jungle once again AJ. Your plants are looking fantastic and I see that you've conquered the grass mowing problem around the containers this year. Lookin' forward to your bountiful harvest pics this season.
Thank you sir....you know Alpheon...I suppose you could call it a nursery...they are expensive but I still sell a few...

Aram...I will sell what pods I can, then with the leftovers, replenish my supply of puree...

SS...had to do something...the pea gravel works just fine...thanks man...

Just got back inside from a morning walkabout in the pepper patch...decided to post a 1 week update...things are growing well but I have to remember, my major chinense harvest doesn't come until the last of November...

here is what I see when I walk out my back door...


I walk straight out and up the stairs directly in front of me where the green carpet is...and climb up on the ladder to the pool looking east and here is what I see...


from there I get down and walk to the upper left hand corner of the last picture and stand on my cable service box, look back southwest....


then I walk around by the lower retaining wall and these two pics..



then I go around to Bhut Island....


back along the fence to the left....Homegrown 7 Pot Row


Brain Strain Row....


Along beside the east side of my house...dry bed...Trinidad Scorpions


Banana peppers loaded...


I love this time of year...the Bhuts, 7s, some of the scorpions will grow at least another two feet before harvest...they are pretty well stabalized...I had to space them out because they were starting to really crowd one another...I figure I will have to move them again before season is over...I will stop moving them when the roots have grown into the soil/gravel...

Hope you enjoyed....
That is an absolutely beautiful yard, great job on the plants. Someday I hope to be able to grow that many varieties and still be able to keep up with them, that must be a lot of work.
Shiver me timbers! That is utterly impressive, AJ!

Seeing something like that makes me yearn to have a proper backyard again. For the time being, I'm stuck with nothing but a small patio and am severely limited on how many plants I can grow. :(
My god, man, if I could just do a Vulcan mind-meld with you for one minute so I could download your mind and understand how to make peppers grow like that...
ditter...I will have to go find that sucker and kill it with extreme prejudice...thanks man

SYJ - I do have a very understanding wife...I think that she allows me to do this 'cause it keeps me off the streets while she is working...

SS - haven't heard them over the house this year...the choppers have hovered over the yard two out of the last three years...maybe they have learned I am just a harmless pepper gardener...

thanks kiddc and josh...

mnhot...thanks...it IS a lot of work, but I truly enjoy doing it...it gets damn hot this time of year here but the new pool is getting a workout...I work a couple of hours in the yard...15-30 minutes in the pool to cool off, then repeat this all day long...

gas...thanks man...it is definitely nice to have the room to grow what I do...I am glad I don't have more space 'cause I would probably work myself too hard...

franz...yes sir...its my own little bit of heaven...

mega...if you did a Vulcan mind meld with me, you would end up with so much useless trivia bull shit you would have to sift through to get to the pepper knowledge...its probably easier to read all these threads...thanks man