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AJs First 2009 Planting


Well, I couldn't stand it...I have everything set up for starting Fatalii seeds Monday and decided what the heck...will plant a tray of superhots this morning...

Here is what I planted



It seems that the germinator and tray have reached equilibrium...the air temperature is 86F and the thermostat controlling the heat via the probe in the soil hasn't turned on the heating lights...(thermostat set on 86F)
Looks good man, i like your old-school thermometer/hygrometer.

My 7pods from you just broke ground yesterday, and the scorpions a day or so before that :)
You're about a month ahead of me season-wise, aren't you? I'll start planting peppers in about 2 weeks.
Txclosetgrower said:
Looks good man, i like your old-school thermometer/hygrometer.

Thanks TCG...I got that at a garage sale last year for 50 cents...works great..

Txclosetgrower said:
My 7pods from you just broke ground yesterday, and the scorpions a day or so before that :)

Those are the next to start for me...the trinidad varieties and an assortment of Habs are next...maybe tomorrow...I probably will run out of room inside this year...I just hope my makeshift greenhouse will work by the time I need it...
Pam said:
You're about a month ahead of me season-wise, aren't you? I'll start planting peppers in about 2 weeks.

It was 82 degrees here yesterday. And 40 today. We don't really have seasons here, the weather just does whatever the hell it wants.
Pam said:
You're about a month ahead of me season-wise, aren't you? I'll start planting peppers in about 2 weeks.

I think about that Pam...I am in zone 7a/b depending on which zone map you look at...I will be starting three rounds this year instead of two like I did last year...planted last year the end of January and February...will plant this week and then again middle of Feb and then middle of March...I am going to grow a complete garden this year...

Omri said:
68 Nagas? what if they all germinate?

I hope they all do Omri...got some orders from co-workers for them at $5 each...
Txclosetgrower said:
It was 82 degrees here yesterday. And 40 today. We don't really have seasons here, the weather just does whatever the hell it wants.

was the same here except it was 33 this morning right before daylight
AlabamaJack said:
I think about that Pam...I am in zone 7a/b depending on which zone map you look at...

Your zone just tells you the average low, not the length of your season or even the average high temperature. Average first and last frost date gives a better idea of your growing season. I'm in zone 8, and our average last frost date is mid-April, so I want my pepper plants in the cold frame hardening off by the end of March.
Dallas/Fort Worth 4/8 & 10/24
8b here

last frost: 2/28
first freeze: 11/30

So far my plants are still alive and greenish, except the pequin which loses its leaves in the winter. No flowers or fruit, and i'm not even watering them at this point, just trying to see when the weather finally kills them.

Pequin is only thing im overwintering.

You are five weeks ahead of Cincy on frost free. Don't know about the late date - it use to be the last week of September or so, the last three, maybe four years it has been the middle of October.

wiz...that means TCG is 10 weeks ahead of you...

dang, I didn't realize Austin was that much ahead of Fort Worth...need to find some land out on Blanco county...

****wondering if any seeds have sprouted yet****
Looks quite meticulous as always AJ. You and I seem to be around the same growing area.

Average first freeze.....November 6 Average last freeze.....March 29
Average first frost.....October 27 Average last frost.....April 9
millworkman said:
Looks quite meticulous as always AJ. You and I seem to be around the same growing area.
Average first freeze.....November 6 Average last freeze.....March 29
Average first frost.....October 27 Average last frost.....April 9[/QUOTE

Next week, the high is going to be 2 below zero!!!!!!:shocked:
Speaking of South Carolina grown seed...I have dilly dallied around and need to get some seeds in the mail to several people....
Txclosetgrower said:
It was 82 degrees here yesterday. And 40 today. We don't really have seasons here, the weather just does whatever the hell it wants.

all the way down to 40?? winter in tx lol.

lets see about 6 inches of snow today and next week they are calling on wednesday for a high of 6 low of 0. i would take the 'cold' weather in tx anyday.