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harvesting AJs Harvest # 8 07-25-08

915river said:
I like to know how you insert the name of peppers on your images never done it before my friend?

I guess he's using Photoshop or some similiar software. You can simply type the name in the pic. Let me know what software you are using and I or sbd else here can probably tell you how to do it.
Chiliac said:
I'm growing Israeli Red, too (as you said with just one L). They seem to be a Thai/Dutch variety-like pepper and are supposedly from - you guessed it - Israel. Mine were at least grown there, I know that much for sure. Not sure if the variety actually originates from there.
The one in the picture is 100% not an Israeli chile. it's more of a wild annuums place.
Mine look a bit different, they are longer. I know for sure that the pods I got them from were grown in Israel, but as I said I have no idea where the variety was originally created.

Maybe it's just a pepper you don't know. I have discovered a german variety or two that I had never seen or heard of before just recently.
Chiliac said:
Mine look a bit different, they are longer. I know for sure that the pods I got them from were grown in Israel, but as I said I have no idea where the variety was originally created.

Maybe it's just a pepper you don't know. I have discovered a german variety or two that I had never seen or heard of before just recently.
I know all known Israeli chiles. took me a long time, but had the chance of finding them all. they're great, just not that specific chile.
We're growing Anaheims too. does that makes it Israeli? :shocked:
I could easily screw up that discussion by replying YES! but I won't.

That's why I said I don't know where it originates from. The name may simply be misleading. It's a good pepper though, I like it a lot.
talas said:
do you no which variety of pepperocinis your growing?

they were just called pepperocini from Tomato Growers...I want to grow the golden greeks next year too

915river said:
I like to know how you insert the name of peppers on your images never done it before my friend?

I copy the picture, paste it in PowerPoint, insert a text box, select the background color and text color I want, copy and paste it into "Paint", then just save it to my desktop...I am sure there are easier ways to do it...I have been known to "drive a thumb tack with a sledge hammer"...

Omri said:
"Israelli Red"? should I assume it was meant to be called "Israeli (as in 'Israel') Red"? where is it from?

OK...one "l"... :lol: these are from Chiliac so whatever he says about them is right...
Chiliac said:
I could easily screw up that discussion by replying YES! but I won't.

That's why I said I don't know where it originates from. The name may simply be misleading. It's a good pepper though, I like it a lot.
Hehe... I like your comments.
Did you call "Israeli Red" or was it someone else? either way if it's a good chile, it sounds awesome.
It is a good chile Omri...about the same heat as a cayenne, maybe a little hotter....I have 4 plants...here are photos...forgive if it is a little dark...the sun is not up here yet...just now coming daylight


Good pics anyway! Yours look shorter than mine, also on the plant.

Here's a pic of the peppers I took my seeds from:


I just named them that when I got the nameless peppers from Israel (to be able to tell them apart from others), but I never sent any seeds to AJ, so I'm not sure if he's growing the same chilis I am...
AlabamaJack said:
they were just called pepperocini from Tomato Growers...I want to grow the golden greeks next year too

I copy the picture, paste it in PowerPoint, insert a text box, select the background color and text color I want, copy and paste it into "Paint", then just save it to my desktop...I am sure there are easier ways to do it...I have been known to "drive a thumb tack with a sledge hammer"...

OK...one "l"... :lol: these are from Chiliac so whatever he says about them is right...

Thank you so much A.J:P:lol:
Well AJ, that's a method that uses software nearly anyone has, so that's fine I guess!

Sorry if I sounded like a smartass about the "L"! :)
Chiliac said:
but I never sent any seeds to AJ, so I'm not sure if he's growing the same chilis I am...

gigglin here...I have your name (Chiliac) by the peppers if my detailed data log as my source... if it weren't you I am wondering who it was....

Hey....who sent me the Israeli Reds? :lol: Thanks to whomever it was...

didn't even consider it a smart ass remark chiliac...
I thought I have sent you the Lemon Drop only, but coming to think of it, I think I have thrown some in saying it's a good pepper and it wasn't on your list so I thought you might be happy with it. Sorry for the confusion - it's bloody hot over here these days! :)

Anyway, I'm glad you like them as much as I do!

...and I just remembered the big one on my avatar is one of them, too!
cool...and the lemon drop is loaded with pods...you had me wondering if I had written down the wrong source of the red...they are great peppers...and the lemon drops are just now starting to turn yellow...plant must have 100 peppers on it...
I'm glad the plants are doing well! My Lemon Drop plants have only a few pods on them so far, but they are just starting to fruit. Good to know I've got sth to look forward to! :)
Fantastic looking peppers AJ...You've given me some terrific growing ideas for next year. (I'm sure my results will be less spectacular though)

Thanks for sharing!!