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Alaska Fish Fertz

I've used this stuff for quite a few crops and always had great results but it has come to my attention that it shouldn't be used on edibles. Anyone have any brands in mind that work well for them? organic?
The OP may be confused by the old label, or past talk. The product is OMRI certified for use on ANY type of crop.

Before it got the OMRI listing, (or temporarily dropped it from the label, whatever the case may be) there was a lot of talk about how it could be used. It wasn't acceptable for growing "certified" organic produce, but that's really the extent of the discussion. The product is 100% safe, and it's a damn good product, at that. Neptune's Harvest may be a superior product, but that's debatable. (emulsion vs hydrolosate)

Don't be afraid of Alaska. Don't get too caught up in the conversations of the "organic" crowd - especially if this is something that you are eating, and not smoking. If you are concerned about the heavy metals claims, compare with other fertilizers - even the "organic" varieties. Or have a soil sample done. The results are interesting...

Neptune's Harvest, if you're still afraid.
   I used Alaska Fish emulsion for several years now. I've never had any issues. I've always had great results.