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Alaskan Fish Fert 5-1-1

This is what i use it has all trace minerals , organic, can water with it every time won't burn , does all  !   
Its pretty good, but you should look into getting some fish hydrolysate*... it has more beneficial microbes and a greater diversity of nutrients because it hasnt been cooked and processed the way the alaska fish emulsion* has....
Make sure to read the bottom where they compare fish hydrolysate with fish emulsion:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_hydrolysate
megahot said:
I use Alaskan fish fert. Plants like it and doesnt burn. Cant loose. Still use in moderation or plants wont be able to keep up and utilize nute uptake
I'm using it twice a month and giving each plant about 1-2 pints of mixed solution depending on the size of the plant.
I use it.
Once a week, I mix up five gallons of water, 4oz. of Alaska Fish and 4oz. of Neptune's Harvest Seaweed. That is at 80% of recommended ratio.
You can look at my glog for pics of the results.