Algae explosion

Hey guys, you've been a tremendous help in this, my first, season. I have another question. I water my peppers out of a rain barrel to avoid as many water treatment chemicals as I can. With the recent heat wave, I've had a major green algae bloom in the barrel. The water coming out of the spigot at the bottom even has a green tint and a thin bubbly skim at the top. Is this algae filled water good or bad for my peppers? If it is bad, how do I get rid of it without hurting my peppers?

Any useful answers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Good for my plants. I always use it, but dont know if it harms or helps. I would think the algea would eventually add to the organic matter because it probably cant live out of the water too long and decompose. Im sure other people have better answers.
as Willard says...peroxide works wonders
Willard and I don't always agree, but he is dead on this time.......

Why have something competing with your plants for nutrients?
Its in a rain barrel, you pour it on your plants it dies, rotting and adding ferts to your plants? Since they are single cell organisms they would disperse all through your soil spreading nutrients everywhere. Just a thought...
Epsom salts should also kill the undesirable algae. If you water infrequently the soil dries out enough that it dies. If you are forced to water more often due to pot size or temperature, the algae would survive and compete, and muck up the soil.
Epsom salts should also kill the undesirable algae. If you water infrequently the soil dries out enough that it dies. If you are forced to water more often due to pot size or temperature, the algae would survive and compete, and muck up the soil.
last time I checked It does need light to survive as well as lots of water. Now we do have this type of algae that likes our roofes down here in the swamp, the critters that eat it can't survive up there how the hell a plants can take 135+ temps amazes me.