• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


I can't believe it. I followed the advise of all you guys and planted seeds last sunday (17th). My ritual getting home from work everyday since has been: hug the kids, kiss the wife, go and check my grow house. And today I couldn't believe my eyes I had 3 Aji Limons and 2 Bishops Crowns showing! Yeah me!!!

Now I just have more waiting to do. Waiting sucks.
congratulations daddy...now you will wear a rut in the floor checking on the babies to see how much they have grown in the last 30 minutes... :lol:

The only way I have found to stop the constant checking during waking hours is to go with a 12/12 lights on/lights off regimen. It's a bummer, not being able to tuck the plants in every night at bedtime but I figure I won't have to apply another coat of polyurethane this spring from wearing the current coating off from repeated trips upstairs every hour.

I suppose I could just move my bed out to the grow-rage and I wouldn't have to get out of bed to check them... :lol:
AlabamaJack said:
I suppose I could just move my bed out to the grow-rage and I wouldn't have to get out of bed to check them... :lol:

That and some pre-mixed Bloody Marys in an esky hey AJ :lol:

Oh and an auto drip system for the plants!!
the wife would freak out...but she would understand and get over it...
AlabamaJack said:
I suppose I could just move my bed out to the grow-rage and I wouldn't have to get out of bed to check them... :lol:

Ahh, the joys of single life......

AlabamaJack said:
congratulations daddy...now you will wear a rut in the floor checking on the babies to see how much they have grown in the last 30 minutes... :lol:

oh it's supposed to be every 30 minutes?

huh....i was checking every 15....

for real though I am excited cause this is the first I've grown anything from seed. I usually just buy toms and peppers at a local place and plant them. Now I have to figure what to do with these peppers once they are big enough to move up to a pot and put in the sun. I may take them to work with me cause the window in my office (which i share with 2 other ppl) faces south and has a nice are to set pots/cups on. I don't think the others will mind - they'll probably just shake their heads and say i'm nuts. oh well.
Congrats PP, nothing like seeing that first little stem poking out of the dirt.

TxCG, you sir are right on the money. I currently have two 72 cell Jiffy containers on my kitchen table and nobody is complaining.
Hahaha, you should have seen me trying to post pics for the first time, was an excercise in patience i'll tell ya.

@Tex, whats with the cage around your plants, is that to protect it from your terrifying feline? Oh yeah, clean your room it's a bloody mess!!
I bet the leaves are standing up this morning on your Aji Limon
Novacastrian said:
@Tex, whats with the cage around your plants, is that to protect it from your terrifying feline? Oh yeah, clean your room it's a bloody mess!!


Jenny was getting to antique age in this picture, and I know her old bones ached, so after discovering why the seedlings on this tray weren't sprouting, I set her up with her own seed starting mat in the cat room.

Only, because she was one of those kinds of cats, I told her it was a special and expensive cat warming pad bought at the snooty pet store in town. Poor old lady, she got a bit senile in those later years.
AlabamaJack said:
I bet the leaves are standing up this morning on your Aji Limon

Yes they are. Not only that but 2 more Aji Lemons, 1 Choc. Hab, and 2 unknowns are peaking up. I guess I'm doing something right so far.

Question: how big do I let them get in the starting cells before moving them to bigger containers? They are in a 72-cell (1.5 inch) greenhouse kit right now.
peter pepper said:
I can't believe it. I followed the advise of all you guys and planted seeds last sunday (17th). My ritual getting home from work everyday since has been: hug the kids, kiss the wife, go and check my grow house. And today I couldn't believe my eyes I had 3 Aji Limons and 2 Bishops Crowns showing! Yeah me!!!
Like we would ever stear you wrong. :rolleyes:

Here, stick this Habanero up your nose....trust me.
so I have decided that beth (peppermania) sends out some good seeds. so far my Aji Lemon have germinated at almost 100%!! Outstanding.
Yup...you will find Beth one of the bestest seed sources...I have dealt with her for 2 years and am very pleased with her service, especially her shipping policy and cost...

wait, wait, you now have how many Aji Limons up? 5 ?....if they all survive to maturity, get ready to pick a lot of pods...

pods from 2 plants in 2008...


this ought to make you smile, knowing how many peppers these plants will produce...