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peter pepper said:
Yes they are. Not only that but 2 more Aji Lemons, 1 Choc. Hab, and 2 unknowns are peaking up. I guess I'm doing something right so far.

Question: how big do I let them get in the starting cells before moving them to bigger containers? They are in a 72-cell (1.5 inch) greenhouse kit right now.

I'd like to know this as well. I'm thinking it might be obvious...but you guys who have been doing this for a while will probably have some words of wisdom for us newbie farmers.

PrairieChilihead said:
I'd like to know this as well. I'm thinking it might be obvious...but you guys who have been doing this for a while will probably have some words of wisdom for us newbie farmers.


I wouldn't move them before their first set of true leaves were well developed, I don't like disturbing the roots at all earlier than that. Then I would monitor the root growth at the bottom of the cell, once you see the roots starting to come through move them to something larger ASAP.
today's update:
of all my cells I now have 7 Aji Lemons, 5 Choc. Habs., 7 Bishop Crowns, 2 Jamaican Scotch Bonnets, 1 SBS Fatali, 1 Rocoto, and 7 unknowns.

I can see where planting from seeds is like an addiction it really is good fun. Gotta go visit the dollar store to get some cups to transplant to soon.
Pam said:
I wouldn't move them before their first set of true leaves were well developed, I don't like disturbing the roots at all earlier than that. Then I would monitor the root growth at the bottom of the cell, once you see the roots starting to come through move them to something larger ASAP.

I second that... I usually wait until I see the roots peek out the bottom of the cell and then move them to a 4" x 4" pot.