seed-train All aboard ( The next seed train)

newhoppyguy said:
I will be on the look out for it :) cant wait to see whats in there :) might be a bit slow to get it out tho up at the hospital having my first son :) i will get to it as soon as i can :) 
newhoppyguy said:
I will be on the look out for it :) cant wait to see whats in there :) might be a bit slow to get it out tho up at the hospital having my first son :) i will get to it as soon as i can :) 
Double win!! Congrats on the newborn, be prepared for sleepless nights and don't foeget to buy a coffee machine ;).

I just got to open the train and holy crap there are some awesome goodies in there!! i will be going through it tonite and hope to have it out on monday my internet is acting up so i might not be able to post a tracking # but it will be out very shortly on its way to Portuge :) thanks to everyone that has been envolved in this!!! Doing an awesome Rebel thank you so much!