food All about that Butt

I went to the store yesterday and saw butts on sale for .98¢ a lb so I bought one. Last night I cleaned it, injected it and marinated it over night. I'm about to light the grill and slow cook/smoke it all day.
I'm all set up and it's cooking as of about 10AM. I'll need to go to the store for a drip pan but I'm finished for a few hours.

I set up the coals using the snake method and used a charcoal starter chimney to start a few coals and added them to the charcoal snake, the temp is holding steady a little over 225.





11:30 update:
The temp settled in at 225 and it looks like I may need to add a few more coals at the end of the cook by the distance the snake burned. I'll check it in a few hours with a thermometer and adjust accordingly. I started it fat down and just flipped it, it's looking good so far.



Still going and won't be done soon. I put the temp probe in at 1PM, it was at 160. At 4:00 it was at 166 but I slacked and don't check the coals before I left for a while. They were still burning but the temp dropped to about 190 so I wrapped it and had to add more coals and get it going again. It's finally pushing past the stall, 173 right now and continually rising. I didn't think the stall would be that long with a 7lb butt. 
I'm a rookie on whole butts butt I'll know better know next time, I'll cook at 260-275 to lesson that stall.
Results when it's done.
I cheat a bit, I use an electric smoker with a remote meat thermometer so I can watch the temp from in the house. I only have to go out and add wood chips occasionally. Cooking at 225 I've had some 6 pounders take 14 hours to reach an internal temp of 190, and had some 12 pounders finish in 12, so you do have to keep an eye on them suckers. Some might not be pull able til they hit 205, but most are good at 190-195.