All Geeked Up - FIrst Hot Pepper Ever!!!

Well, I have two Hot Portugal cayenne variety hot pepper plants that have a combined 40 or so peppers. One plant is ahead of the other and the fruit is starting to ripen. I couldn't wait any longer and picked the ripest pepper when I got home from work today. Not fully ripe but very close and my patience had run out.

So, this plant was grown from seed...started in February, put outside on May 1st and first ripe fruit on August 1. 90 days until harvest when the package said 85...pretty close.

Can't wait to eat it and will be harvesting more in the days and weeks to come.

THis foray into growing hot peppers has been great and I can't wait to expand my horizon's next season.

Wonderful think is a joy see the plants grow & then enjoy harvesting it & finaly eat with pride that you did it from seeds all by you self by the time you know you will have bunch of more next year & realy get hook on it.
Awe...the satisfaction of eating the first picked pepper that was grown from seed and cared for from infancy. Hope you enjoy and congrats :) BTW beautiful looking pod!
Here is the Hot Portugal plant from which the pod above came from:


Here is my pepper patch. All started from seed. I bought a pepper pack from Lowe's back in early February that included 3 packs of Ferry Morse pepper seeds; Hot Portugal, Sweet Cayenne and Santiago Hybrid (Same a Jalapeño M, I think). I didn't plant the Jalapeños, although I should have:(.

From left to right, two sweet cayenne's and two hot portugal's:

Way to go and if you end up like the rest of us after your 1st season you`ll be over ran with tons of plants and types each season.
congrats to ya on your 1st chile pod ever, & nice looking plants.
yep you'll have more & more chile plants over the next couple years, or as many as your place can hold :lol: it just seems like you'll never have enough :lol:
The first pepper is great, my first decent chilli that I grew was an Orange Hab, I still rate them as one of the best chillis.
good looking pepper for your first is exciting isn't it....enjoy the fruits of your labor...
Thanks for all the kind words. I'll tell ya I'm really hooked...

Already have some thoughts together for next year. Gonna grow some of the Chinese varieties, probably White Habanero and Caribbean Red. Also gonna grow the Aji Limon bacctum as well as some Cayennes and Jalapeños. I can see it already, the wife is NOT gonna be happy:lol:.

Here are a couple more that I picked about 10 minutes ago. The heat level isn't all that intense, probably not even for a cayenne type. I think that the Hot Portugal rates at 5,000 Scoville units and this is probably accurate. Nice, comfortable mild heat. Heirloom variety though so that is pretty cool.

I know how you feel, since my peppers have started turning and I got an idea of about what I can get out of what I planted, I'm already hatching ideas for next year.