Alma Paprika---What is you opinion?

I'm growing it for the first time and harvested and tasted my first pod yesterday. I was underwhelmed with it. It had a sour, tart flavor with no sweetness or pepper flavor. And it was ripe! Is this typical or were my taste buds way off?

Second question, what can you use it for?
I can't speak for Alma Paprika.  However I have had very similar experiences with first harvests / pods on new plants.  I have picked up first Naga pods with almost no heat.  Sweet peppers such as Sweet Romanian with almost no sweet / complex flavor.  Feeding / watering has much to do with it.  But I find that new plants with first pods is usually off a bit.  When the plant gets into full swing of production then the flavor / and heat stabilizes.  Of course if you can keep the plants alive from season to season then it becomes a non issue from my experience with second season output.  
I hope this helps.  As far as Alma, as i hinted I have never grown it.  So i can't speak of experience growing it.  I have tasted two fresh pods in past and it was a "ok" annuam.  Nothing that made me want to grow it.  Which is strange because it is a very popular pepper and i have many friends that absolutely love it.  
Any one else with advice?