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Alma Paprika

Has anyone grown these before the pictures that I have seen almost make them look like a pale apple -- The ones I have are the correct color but they are 4-5 inches long and pointed shape they look like these Feher Ozon Paprika mine look like the pale ones in the back -- I just dont know when to pick them -- I'll try and get a pic
Everything I have seen about them is supposed to be that apple shape
like this

So I dont know what this is? I havent tried it yet so I dont know the heat level which I would assume 0-1 I have another smaller plant w/same peppers -- I believe these were from the Parcel last year
Kinda does but not quite so long -- I ate one yesterday and there was no heat whats so ever... I'll let them stay on the plant longer maybe they will change color some more.. Hungarian peppers wouldnt be either but I thought it was something else ... disappointed but not
They would appear to be a Hungarian but not hot -- My daughter loves them because of that! and they are a producer for sure!!! My father and father in-law have been taking them and some Anaheims and frying them for their burgers and sausages -- Im looking for a pickling recipe now for them... I am also considering a Jalapeno, Hungarian mix to give them a bump...
They would appear to be a Hungarian but not hot -- My daughter loves them because of that! and they are a producer for sure!!! My father and father in-law have been taking them and some Anaheims and frying them for their burgers and sausages -- Im looking for a pickling recipe now for them... I am also considering a Jalapeno, Hungarian mix to give them a bump...

Great nice that your daughter is Enjoying them,Ar Anaheims only got 1 plant with a single pepper so far carnt wait to try for taste..The Hot wax/Jala sounds interesting :)
I dont know what happened between the labeled plants to planting out :beer: but I have 3 that are going crazy -- So much rain here lately I am unable to let them vine ripen w/o rotting (I wanted to make a Colorado Powder) but they will all be good pickled -- I am pickling and dehydrating like mad the last few weeks
I dont know what happened between the labeled plants to planting out :beer: but I have 3 that are going crazy -- So much rain here lately I am unable to let them vine ripen w/o rotting (I wanted to make a Colorado Powder) but they will all be good pickled -- I am pickling and dehydrating like mad the last few weeks

Tell me about that rain my biggest worry is about ripening the fruit lack of sun is starting to worry me :(
Hey Lucky!Let me take some blame.

Those seeds were from a local heirloom pepper vendor who is evidently smoking crack.

That is what they looked like last year. They ripened to a bright red and made great paprika.No heat.

That is the guy who sold me the "pimento de cherry" plant that turned out to be a golden bullet hab.

Still good plants, but he either has no clue what they are, or doesn't care, AND ASSUMES NO ONE WILL KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!lol.

If it's any consolation, many of mine from the parcel appear to be either hybrids or mis-labelled.

Sorry! This year I am not such a noob, and my contributions will be more carefully verified.
I dont know who it was doesnt matter much Cheezy they are decent peppers and my daughter is happy there is something growing that she can eat when she is helping me. I was hoping for Paprika so I could do my thang with them and when I saw a picture I knew they were not them. Someone sent me paprika seeds for next year.

I agree I feel more seasoned this year too :cool: