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Almost Moruga Time!

Just wow... That pod does look scary.

In other news, anyone ever hear of, or try Sichuan Peppercorns as a way of "cooling things down" in a 5 alarm emergency?
I see milk and ice cream mentioned... so I thought this might be ok to post.
So I had a bunch of morugas ripen at once. Here's a couple of pics (sorry for the blurriness):



The taste was actually really, really good and definitely one of the hottest I've tried so far. When I cut open the first one, I saw some oil leaking out so that was pretty intimidating. I washed my hands a few times after handling one of the chillies (yes, I forgot the gloves), and accidentally touched my neck, which immediately turned a bright red like I had been burned. I'm very impressed and consider this one of my new faves. :P

Hope everyone is having an amazing harvest!