food "Almost Vegetarian" Bacon Wrapped Peppers

I know, I know... There are already 2 threads devoted to these treats... But I didn't really want to tag this along with AJ's or pao1x's posts, as they're not the same, and I'm sure AJ and pao1x would agree.

Here's the sum up: I've had the bug for weeks now. Actually, since I started growing my Bhuts... I can't shake it. I want hot sauce in every meal, it's all I think about! Now, after a rather long weekend of sanding floors (17 hours straight on Saturday, then 12 hours on Sunday) I felt a need to detox. Primarily this is due to the amount of beer and pizza we drank and ate all weekend. Ever get to the point where thinking about pizza makes you vomit in your mouth? Yeah, it was like that.

Not wanting to "settle for less," I thought I'd give these peppers a go. I really wanted to use Morningstar Farms soy-based bacon, but Whole Foods didn't have it. I used organic turkey bacon - it's really good if you've never had it, and it's pretty good for you.

Cream cheese: Tofutti Milk Free No Butterfat "Better than" Cream Cheese Imitation Cream Cheese -PLAIN- (Yeah, it actually says all that on the front)
Cheese: Follow Your Heart Vegan Gourmet Cheese Alternative - Cheddar It Melts! (...)

I sliced the jalapenos in half and took out the seeds. The hab's, I cut around the stem and pulled out the insides. I left seeds in the habs cause I could stuff around them. The jal's don't have enough room unless you core them.

You'll want to bake these at 475-500 for about 15 minutes. The cheese will melt, but it takes a while.

All in all, these were really good (I'm sure not as good as animal products, but this is a detox day for me), and my stomach is happy with me. You rock too, stomach. I love you.

Great job klyth!!!!

Those are a permanent recipe in my collection of good things to eat that are also good for you!

There are so many ways to eat healthy, I've found it's easy to pass on the ones that will clog you up.

Again, Great Job!!!!
Hey those are pretty.Haven`t made any since super bowl sunday.50 of them and plenty of beer too.Come monday I was about ready to detox too come to think of it. lol