See the thing is, it is all about how you use the powder as well. If you reconstitute it, you will maximize it's burn potential. Like shaking a little on a sandwich vs mixing it with some spaghetti sauce and heating it on the stove. The spaghetti sauce will burn you up more. Plus it depends on how much you are putting on. I mean if you are just shaking a light dusting of it on...that would probably only equate to 15% of a full pod....and then it's dried so the heat level is of course less. Try upping how much powder you put on your sandwich...put about a full table spoon on and see what happens. It will be exponentially hotter. the hottest it has ever been for me (powder that is) is when I make a salad, sprinkle a whole bunch on it and mix it up really good. That was about 3 times as hot as putting some on a sandwich (for me)
Fresh pods are a whole other experience. I mean....I really doubt that the heat level on powders is pushing 6-750,000 scoville. Where's a fresh pepper can exceed 1.5-2 million scoville. Even a pepper at 900,000 to 1 million scoville will be two to three times hotter than the powder and the burn will last a lot longer because of the oil that soaks into and coats your mouth.