fertilizer Alternating calmag and another fertilizer?

My bhut pepper has leaves that are starting to look a bit odd. I've heard it's because of a calcium deficiency. I started it on a fish emulsion last week, I was going to feed it fish emulsion and water every 2 weeks. Is it okay to alternate fish emulsion and calmag? Thanks!
Pics please! Some leaf oddities signal mite damage, for example. Some mites are too small to see with the naked eye, but the type of deformation of the leaves may be a hint. Calcium deficiency is not usually an issue in young plants, but once they kick into production, the calcium is needed to prevent BER (blossom end rot.) Pics will help with the diagnosis.
geeme said:
Pics please! Some leaf oddities signal mite damage, for example. Some mites are too small to see with the naked eye, but the type of deformation of the leaves may be a hint. Calcium deficiency is not usually an issue in young plants, but once they kick into production, the calcium is needed to prevent BER (blossom end rot.) Pics will help with the diagnosis.
Thank you for that information! Here are a few pictures: 

You got bugs man. Someone else might be able to tell what kind. It doesn't look too bad, but I would hit the points where new leaves are forming with a little pyrethrin based spray. Most of those tiny critters like to feed on the tender new growth.