superhots Alternative Methods for tasting SuperHots

My end goal of this season is to narrow down a few varieties of 'SuperHot' peppers to continue to grow and use in my sauces to raise their heat.  I'm growing a bunch in the beds and plan to sample from some of the growers on here throughout the year. 
My problem is my heat tolerance at least compared to lots of people around here is not super high.  I can do the Scotch Bonnets and the 300,000 scoville or less range peppers raw and fresh no problem but higher than that, at least fresh, I get lit up pretty good. :shocked:
I will probably whip up lots of test sauce with them this year but I always like to try and taste everything fresh and raw before combining it with other ingredients. 
What ways do you all have to sample/dilute these burners while maintaining the integrity of my taste buds and not hating myself for doing it. :mouthonfire:
For making jams, relish, sauce and like that: I cut the seeds n embryo area out and then flush with cold water.  The heat seems concentrated in that white center embryo area around the seeds.  The flavor seems to be concentrated in the walls of the pepper.  By not using the embryo, I can use more of the pepper itself before the heat is over the top.  Doing this lets me get flavors I never knew were in there cause they were masked by the heat.  Still plenty hot, just not hiccup n puke hot.
I'm finding out I get more use out of my birds and Thai peppers than the superhots. Next year will be absent from superhots except maybe one type of habanero (low heat-great flavor). Haven't decided which type yet....
robbyjoe01 said:
I'm finding out I get more use out of my birds and Thai peppers than the superhots. Next year will be absent from superhots except maybe one type of habanero (low heat-great flavor). Haven't decided which type yet....
I tend to grow a few milds, lots of mediums, and only a couple hot+. This year I committed to growing and tasting the top end! I make a lot of sauce, and sometimes when I have to add 30-40 medium peppers to a sauce batch for heat I would rather use 10-15 mediums and a few superhots in order to have less of a pepper to other ingredient ratio. 
Just have not tried a wide variety of them until this season and am looking for advice on better ways/tricks to taste in a way that helps bring some flavor out with the burn to allow me a sense of what they will add to the sauce besides the obvious, searing heat! :flamethrower:
I use pineapple in my chilli sometimes to cut the heat a little maybe you could use the pineapple juice to cut your sauce.
Oh yea checked out trade winds seeds and found habanero de arbol pepper. Small pods good grower probably enough heat for me
robbyjoe01 said:
I use pineapple in my chilli sometimes to cut the heat a little maybe you could use the pineapple juice to cut your sauce.
Oh yea checked out trade winds seeds and found habanero de arbol pepper. Small pods good grower probably enough heat for me
No worries here on how to cut a sauce or prepare pods for a sauce.
More interested in tasting superhots fresh/raw to get some flavor profiles going and ways in which people sample them in this manner.  To avoid you know 30 minutes of dire sweats and :censored:. Peter S. example of doing small piece on cheese and a cracker is a good one, especially with a mild cheese for my sake.  Maybe a good way to put it would be what food do you like a fresh superhot with that is neutral enough to get the full flavor of the pepper but also there to limit a straight burning pepper going down the pipe.  
Maybe the answer is just quite being a  :censored: and get a gallon of milk and eat a different pod each night and  :censored:  yourself silly all week... 
I just take small pieces and try those. The hottest part is usually the top, so to be consistent and really taste to compare heat, that is the best. A 1/4 inch piece, more or less will give you a good taste. For me, putting it on good doesn't help give me an accurate taste.
I usually quarter one up from top to bottom .. I then eat one piece in small slithers to get a good idea of taste, I then eat two pieces at different times raw and dry one off to eat dry...
Some times I change this but I find it a good way to compare and get a good flavour profile of both wet and dry ..
take smaller bites, even down to using a toothpick, but eat several in a row, a few minutes apart.  Each little bite will give you a bit of heat but not enough to put you in the fetal position.  Heat wears off after a minute or two, maybe eat a plain cracker to help, then take another small bit.  After several bites, you should be able to get a good flavor profile that comes on first before the heat hits.  Take Notes!!!  of each bite, what it seems like reminds you of, and see if you get those same flavors in each bite or does it change after a few bites.
Oh, and keep high fat ice cream handy~~~ ;)
just in case~ 
If you are never going to eat them raw you don't need to taste them raw. I don't need to eat raw broccoli to test a broccoli cheese soup. Stick to cooking with them and tasting what you cook including sauces. If you really want to taste them raw, nibble at them. Done. Or roast them to tame them.
I love a pasta dish with breadcrumbs.
I usually marinade on evo peppers and herbs, of course herbs can be avoided if you want just to taste the pepper.
A whole superhot is demanding on a pasta dish for me, i find much easier many habas or fataliis.

Marinade pepper (iirc an unripe fatalii here), thyme, oregano and turmeric with extra virgin olive oil:

It's better to marinade at least half of an hour.

Take some breadcrumbs:

Roast them:

Cook pasta, assemble (if you want you can pan fry to amalgamate better or add more oil if needed):


Pepper is not cooked, just fresh and awesome, evo and breadcrumbs "spawn" pepper taste (that i find unadulterated here, herbs aside, but i'm not good to discern tastes) over all dish.
SpicyMon said:
What ways do you all have to sample/dilute these burners while maintaining the integrity of my taste buds and not hating myself for doing it. :mouthonfire:
Here you go man. I think this is what you were looking for.