Alternative to Piquante?

I was hoping to pickle them in such a way as the commercially available ones, sold as "Peppadew".
As I've tried and failed to obtain\grow these successfully, I wonder if anyone could suggest an alternative pepper to use please??
I am familiar with Peppadew. Not sure if you were aware, or willing, but has a couple of sellers. The AjiJoe Peppadont that rebelgrower mentioned sounds like a winner as well.
I've also grown a related Baccatum variety in the past, The Aji Chanca Red and Yellow. I like the yellow one best but both were superb, sweet, unique and a little kick. They are vigorous plants with lots of pods, excellent picklers that maintain their Baccatum flavor. You would want to place your order(s) and sowe the seeds no later than February, this way you'll have two crops, August and September. They are cold weather tolerant and overwinter nicely with minimal light and care.
I've bought from one of those sellers before, but had zero germinate. I might try the other seller, or other varieties mentioned, if I can find them. It sounds like there are a lot of good seeds available in the USA, but I wonder if I order from overseas, there's a risk of them being taken by customs here in the UK.
That jar of Reds and Yellows looks really nice BTW. I find Peppadews almost addictive!
Well, I bought real Peppadew seeds from here in the end;
Four out of the first five seeds have germinated, and they sent me a bag of smoked Paprika as a free gift!!
I'm tempted to try the Aji Chanca if I can find them - but I do feel there are just too many peppers to grow - and not enough space :-)