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Am I doing things right?

I have planted some ghost peppers along with 3 other varities and I've seen only one seedling so far pop out just yesterday and they have been in there for about 5 or 6 days now.

I have a grow light and a heat mat going for them too. I just mist the top of the soil but I am wondering if I should try watering from beneath? I am not quite sure how to go about doing that. All the seeds are in a rectangular plastic bin and inside 32 little peatmoss like holders with some soil in them and then a clear plastic dome that goes over top. The soil is Fox Farm Ocean Forest, so I am not sure I need fertilizer for that right away.

I am also thinking about raising the grow light some because I have noticed that the pots in the center are drying out faster than the others and I think that may be because of heat given off by the grow light. Right now the grow light is only about 6-8 inches away and I think it might need to be a bit higher than that.

Also when are you supposed to be watering again? I usually do it once or sometimes twice a day with my sprayer. Some pots look more dry than others, so I give those dry ones a bit more and a bit less to the wetter looking ones.

what kind of light is it? i wouldnt use any ferts the fox farm has alot in it already i would wait on any ferts for a while. watering it sounds like your doing good keep it moist not soaking wet.
Im not sure on how much heat that is putting off i wouldnt think to much use your hand to feel how far away it should be if you cant feel it with your hand its fine you want the light as close as you can get it. im guessing 3-4 inches
I have planted some ghost peppers with 3 other varities and I've seen only one seedling so far pop out just yesterday and they have been in there for about 5 or 6 days now.
Be patient, 5 or 6 days is not a long time
I have a grow light and a heat mat going for them too. I just mist the top of the soil but I am wondering if I should try watering from beneath? I am not quite sure how to go about doing that. All the seeds are in a rectangular plastic bin and inside 32 little peatmoss like holders with some soil in them and then a clear plastic dome that goes over top. The soil is Fox Farm Ocean Forest, so I am not sure I need fertilizer for that right away.
Don't fertilize until there are true leaves. Do not overwater, the soil should be moist/damp, not wet.
I am also thinking about raising the grow light some because I have noticed that the pots in the center are drying out faster than the others and I think that may be because of heat given off by the grow light. Right now the grow light is only about 6-8 inches away and I think it might need to be a bit higher than that.
You don't need the light until you have developed cotys and the leaves are starting to emerge. If the heat mat is keeping the germinator at mid 80's, you will be fine, turn off the light until yu need it. What kind of light?
Also when are you supposed to be watering again? I usually do it once or sometimes twice a day with my sprayer. Some pots look more dry than others, so I give those dry ones a bit more and a bit less to the wetter looking ones.
That makes sense - nice and moist is all you need.

Hope this helps.

Hello! Ive found that Bhuts take a little longer to germinate than most other varieties, if one sprouted then you are probably doing things right. Just wait a little longer! Ive had some bhuts take 14 days to sprout. Be patient and just use a little trail and error to see what works for you. Good Luck!!

xo Nicole
5 or 6 days,lol hahahahah. i dont grow with pads or lights but i have things that take over a month to pop some times! mainly scorpions. be patient my friend. they will come
5-6 days is about the earliest I ever get any to pop when sowing 20+ varieties, so don't worry. Bhuts are usually pretty quick for me, but they take longer for others. Some varieties like Douglahs I don't usually get anything for about 3 weeks.
5 or 6 days,lol hahahahah. i dont grow with pads or lights but i have things that take over a month to pop some times! mainly scorpions. be patient my friend. they will come

I will be depressed if you ever change your avatar...

For the OP's questions. Don't over think it buddy. Warm (80+degrees) moist soil, once they pop, keep light close but not close enough to burn (like WD said) no nutes too soon, you bought great soil, let it do it's work. Once the little guys get big enough (like Paul said) keep it simple. I over did it when I first started and it just makes things worse. Good luck!