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pests Am I giving my aphids fert burn with overwatering?

Didn't get a good picture, but this one will do... Wrinkled leaves on a few plants, just the new growth. This one is very minor, wrinkling is more pronounced on others and is the same 'type' of wrinkling. Forum search suggests many possibilities, nothing definite.

Aphid damage, over-fertilizing, and overwatering are all theoretical possibilities. I noticed the wrinkling right before fertilizing so it wasn't caused by it, but seems to have multiplied since the fertilizing. Aphids were present on two plants, but manual removal seems to have fixed it and I can't see any more present. Overwatering is unlikely, but I never let them wilt before watering.

So, thoughts?

Could be a natural response. On the bottom of the leaves are stomata that open and shut based on the conditions. I have a black naga that looks dead all day...and vibrant at night. Most of my plants wilt here in Texas during the heat of the day...and rebound in the evening. But...we are in very differerent climatic regions. Me personally...I don't worry about them when the leaves and outer stems sag. If the main forks start to frown...then you need to get some water in them.

Aphids can't get fert burn no matter how much you over water ;)

That said, it doesn't look like over watering to me. I've been watching my garden wither from all this rain we've been getting here in central florida... Its just now starting to turn around. If my plants looked like yours, I'd be thrilled :D

Frankly I think they look pretty good.

Superhots wrinkle. Its part and parcel I think... However it can also be lack of certain nutes (i forget, but I think it was a micro-nute, perhaps someone who lives in a timezone where its not 2am could better guide you), or from aphids as you said.

The effects of aphids can last longer than the bugs themselves.

If you had aphids, then I wouldn't worry about them... Just 1. keep an eye out for more aphids, and 2. keep an eye on the new growth. The new growth will tel you a lot.
Apids suck!................Period!

Keep bragging:! Braggard! :}

That said, it doesn't look like over watering to me. I've been watching my garden wither from all this rain we've been getting here in central florida.

Be Well !!
aphids never hurt growth they just collect on the flowers and kill them, so no flowers no peppers..

overwatering and too much fert will cause what you see but more than anything overgardening is the problem.

I was a huge overeverything guy with the water and fert that my best peppers weree the ones I gave away..... keep them moist and not wet , lay off the fert and let them be and they will be good.

that being said it is 2 am here and I am on my way to re ladybug my aphid problem and give my plants a soak.
aphids never hurt growth they just collect on the flowers and kill them, so no flowers no peppers..

overwatering and too much fert will cause what you see but more than anything overgardening is the problem.

I was a huge overeverything guy with the water and fert that my best peppers weree the ones I gave away..... keep them moist and not wet , lay off the fert and let them be and they will be good.

that being said it is 2 am here and I am on my way to re ladybug my aphid problem and give my plants a soak.

No offense, but that is not too much fert. There is no fert burn that I can see. Its also not over watering. Fert burn causes singed looking edges on the leaves (typically) and over-watering turns leaves yellow (among other signs).

Don't keep them moist, let them dry out and wilt a little bit in between watering.
If they are in containers, fill one up with dry soil, and use that as a guide for when to water... When your container + plant weighs about the same as the container with just dirt, you know its time. Otherwise just wait till it wilts to water - the WWW rule.

Cal/mag deficiency can cause leaves to do that as well, but when dealing with a Chinense, it comes with the territory.

Especially Scorpions.
Aphids do indeed, suck, AND by doing so, they also spread disease from plant to plant if you have more than one and the ants farm them through your plants. Good luck with the plant. It looks great.
One more picture as supporting evidence, then I'll assume the sky isn't falling. =]

This one has the most pronounced wrinkling and is one of my shorter plants. Do the top leaves look fine to everybody here?

The wrinkling on the Scorp still looks normal to me... the wrinkling on the Pumpkin Hab does not. I'm *guessing* aphid damage on that one. Thankfully I rarely have to deal with the buggers, but on the odd occasions they have found their way onto my plants, I've observed similar damage.
The top leaf on that hab doesn't look great - the yellow spots could be aphid damage, it could be lack of nutes, or it could be disease... Closer picture would help :)

Probably not a disease. Based on what you've said, I'd guess aphids.
Closer look at the top leaves:


If it is aphids, can I assume that all the damage is already done and not being able to see more aphids means that they are really gone? Or can aphids be subtle?

The batch I've killed already was anything but subtle.
Yeah, looks a lot like what the buggers do to my plants. I would remove that one bad leaf up the top (the damage is done) but the rest look good from here. Keep your eyes peeled... you'll know soon enough whether they are going to be a big problem for you or not.