health Am I wrong for being pissed?

I just got my plants from that well known vendor in NJ. Most look ok, but I ordered two Lemon Drops. I grow these every season and I know they are a bit leggy by nature, but this is ridiculous. Keep in mind that I buried at least 5-6" of stem as well. They sent me a pepper "vine" that is nowhere near capable of supporting it's own weight. Am I wrong in being pissed?

Any advice on how I can salvage these? I know I'll have to get a cage or trellis for them tomorrow. The skewers are just temporary for tonight.

I have purchased several plants from ChilePlants (guessing that is who you are referring to) on several occasions.
Have had nearly all of them arrive very leggy, in my opinion (based on my personal experience growing from seed) e.g. 8-10 inches tall with only 3-4 sets of leaves. This indicates to me a severe lack of adequate lighting, most likely caused by packing too many plants into too small an area. Obviously, they are trying to maximize production.
That picture of yours appears to show an extreme example. However, if you support it adequately, it will most likely survive. If you intend to plant it in the ground, just bury it extra deep.
If it were me, I would probably clip the top and clone it.
Given enough time with light, they'll thicken up and be able to support their own weight. Though that is a bit disappointing. If you clip the top it'll also give your plant time to thicken up and push out more stems. Wont produce pods as quick but should be more productive if you go that way to help the little thing out.
I'd top them and use the head as a cutting. Yes, you will lose about 2 weeks in growth but at least your plant will then be sturdy enough to carry a decent harvest.
Yup, I always top my plants and clone the cuttings (all my house plants and aquatic plants are clones). I've had leggy seedlings, but these two plants are around 2ft if you measure along the stem and only as thick as a bamboo skewer. I just needed reassurance that I wasn't crazy. This will be my last order from them. A 10 year run isn't bad, though.
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ahayastani said:
As owner, no... My uninterested employees, possibly.
A vining pepper plant is quite unique though ;)
A vining pepper plant... I didn't buy a vining pepper plant. I bought two Aji Limon/Lemon Drop plants. Same as always. I didn't want two vines. All I can do with these are clone the tops and hope for a small handful of pods.
If I'd live in Ohio, I'd still try to finds plants elsewhere for this season. You might want to try the forum ads of this site, perhaps someone has a spare plant or offers for sale. Clones take time, and it's almost May.
In the meanwhile, I would try to stake the plants. Stems lignify and become sturdier as they age. It won't give you prize-winning plants, but it will avoid a complete loss.
And I'd send a photo to the vendor, again.
ahayastani said:
If I'd live in Ohio, I'd still try to finds plants elsewhere for this season. You might want to try the forum ads of this site, perhaps someone has a spare plant or offers for sale. Clones take time, and it's almost May.
In the meanwhile, I would try to stake the plants. Stems lignify and become sturdier as they age. It won't give you prize-winning plants, but it will avoid a complete loss.
And I'd send a photo to the vendor, again.
Burpee out of stock----
BURPEE - Pepper, Hot, Lemon

Pariah said:
I just got my plants from that well known vendor in NJ. Most look ok, but I ordered two Lemon Drops. I grow these every season and I know they are a bit leggy by nature, but this is ridiculous. Keep in mind that I buried at least 5-6" of stem as well. They sent me a pepper "vine" that is nowhere near capable of supporting it's own weight. Am I wrong in being pissed?

Any advice on how I can salvage these? I know I'll have to get a cage or trellis for them tomorrow. The skewers are just temporary for tonight.

Yeah, I'd be pissed and demand a refund cause that is ridiculous. There is no way I would ever send out a plant in that shape. I saw something about Ohio, are you in Ohio? If so go check out Funke's Greenhouse in Cincinnati. Its totally worth the drive. Tell Al PepperFish sent ya, I used to work for the guy. He's got over 200 varieties of pepper and 250+ varieties of tomato starts along with a good selection of other annual herbs and vegetables as well as perineal herbs. I guarantee they are all in great shape.
PepperFish said:
I saw something about Ohio, are you in Ohio? If so go check out Funke's Greenhouse in Cincinnati. Its totally worth the drive. Tell Al PepperFish sent ya, I used to work for the guy. He's got over 200 varieties of pepper and 250+ varieties of tomato starts along with a good selection of other annual herbs and vegetables as well as perineal herbs. I guarantee they are all in great shape.
Looks like a great garden center!

Funkes Greenhouses
Located at 4798 Gray Rd. Cincinnati Ohio 45232
Phone 513-541-8170