• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

AMG's 2013 Grow! Pods Pods Pods. Overdue Update.

Hello friends! So this is my third year growing a garden, but only year two of my pepper obsession. Space is limited in my ittsy-bitssy townhouse backyard, though i just demo'd my HUGE shed that was in the most perfect south facing spot of my yard. Stay tuned for the DIY raised bed going in this spring!

I just got finished building the new and improved Germinator (a few more bells and whistles to come). Last years model has been converted into my overwinter station.

2013 List
Bonda Ma Jacque (Semillas)
Pequin (Semillas/pepper Lover)
Fresno (Semillas)
Corno di Torro (Semillas)
Piment d'espelette (Semillas)
Serrano (Semillas)
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow (Pepper Lover)
Fatalii (Pepper Lover)
Jalapeno "Cracked" (Pepper Lover)
Chile de Arbol (Pepper Lover)
Lemon Drop ( Peppermania)
Poblano (Local Garden Center)
Jimmy Nardello (Pepper Lover)

Jamaican Scotch Bonnet (Pepper Mania) x 2 - Last years overwhelming favorite. Scored much love from friends for this hot sauce.
Italian Unknown Annuum (Seeds a friends dad brought back from the old country 10 or so years ago, cayenne like, but shorter and fatter)

Here are some shots of the 2012 grow:




2013 Starts and overwinters in the next post... let the pictture re-sizing begin
Sweeeet! Hope your temp are better than ours tonight. We have a frost advisory tonight. I'm planting out next week. Hope this is winter's last blow. Your new bed came out great.
Yea, I thought for sure it would be fine, little less confident now with the 10 day forecast. Lows in the low to mid 40s. All those 85 degree days we had made me pick this past weekend to plant out. Couldn't convince myself to wait another week!
Hello THP.  I must admit i have been a pretty bad glogger.  First update since plant out! Overall, considering the high temps and very wet weather, i am very pleased with the season so far.  Very impressed with how my peat-free mix has handled the weather extremes.  Composted pine bark fines is a great, super cheap (3 bucks for 2 cubic feet) filler.    Enough with the chit chat.  PODS!  (sorry for the yellow leaves, the rain has taken its toll on color.
Peppermania overwinter Jamaican Scotch bonnets


Fatalii close up

7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow are loaded up, this is the money pod.

Bonda Ma Jaques

 Pequins from Semillas are loaded up and starting to ripen

Serranos ripening.  Destined for Sriracha.

Perfect looking Fresno.

The wide shot of the pepper area.

Only have like another couple hundred pics  :dance:   You get the idea though.  Please do give a welcome to my new helper ( AKA destroyer), Fezzik.

Thanks for stopping by!  - adam
The Corno di Toro peppers I have harvested are quite hot. Some where around 3 or 4 X hotter than the jalapenos so far. Quute interesting! They are really growing true in terms shape. Must be some kind of cross. Pretty cool pepper, gonna save seeds!
Fezzik is an awesome name for a dog.  I used to have a big black lab, and the only toy he never could destroy was his tire.  I highly recommend it for big destructive dogs.  Oh and your pods look great, too!  :)
Pepperhead said:
Fezzik is an awesome name for a dog.  I used to have a big black lab, and the only toy he never could destroy was his tire.  I highly recommend it for big destructive dogs.  Oh and your pods look great, too!  :)
When i get a bigger piece of land (hopefully soon), i will definitely look into a tire!  He is actually a good boy.  We dont let him in the garden.  couple close calls with the meyer lemon tree in the front yard though...
Here is my first mini-harvest year (not including a pod here and there).  Most of these are going into freezer bags for future processing.  The not corno di toros are an awesome pepper.  hotter than a jalapeno by a good margin.  I have started calling them raptor claws.  Just had a whole one with my eggs.  pretty kick arse flavor.
Not Corno di Toro, Lemom Drops, Serrano, Pequin, and De Arbol