soil An interesting fact about the soil food web

Had this highlighted on my Kindle from the last time I read it and came across it today reading the book, "Teaming with Microbes."
I think this is fascinating. Feed the soil as Pepper-Guru preaches constantly. :cool:
"Mineralization of nutrients is crucial to the survival of plants in a natural system. Our premise is that by interfering with or destroying the soil food web, the gardener has to step in and do extra work, making gardening a chore instead of an enjoyable hobby. If you are not convinced, then consider that as much as 80% of the nitrogen a plant needs comes from the wastes produced by bacteria- and fungi-eating protozoa. Since bacteria and fungi are attracted by plant exudates to the rhizosphere, and that is where protozoa consume them, a huge source of plant food is delivered, right around the roots."

Lewis, Wayne; Lowenfels, Jeff (2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Locations 1248-1252). Timber Press. Kindle Edition.
Feed the soil, not the plant. Nailed it!  This area of the forum has changed a lot since last year. I feel like we are spreading the word and people are listening now. acasionaly their is that one guy who doesnt beleve and needs to be converted, but for the most part, people are catching on.
Americans throw away about 50% of our food... Then we complain about our enonomy :rolleyes:
That's a lot of compost or worm food. being burried in landfills.