I was at home depot window shopping ya right. Well I come by this organic section that had 6 packs of veggies for only $4.48. I see one with Bhut, Hab, Serrano, Thai, Jalapeno and Poblano. So I bought it.
Home Depot+Window Shopping=unicorn like mystical creature that has never been spotted..... Cant do it, No one ever window shops at the depot HAHAHAHAHAHAHA cool package. I havent seen bhuts on any seed racks around here
actually HD was next to Bevmo and I picked up this and after went to look at plants. I'm waiting for it to reach the right temp before indulging. It's only an 11.9% ale..............................
I was window shopping and bought 2 Bhuts, and I already had plenty of them! Just want to see how Bonnie Bhut Jolokia matches up I guess. I paid full price for mine though, about $4.50 each. I bought a few peppers I hadn't heard of before too.