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An unexpected find

My house backs onto a strip of land that belongs to the local council. This council is very lax in maintaining this small strip of land and it is always overgrown.

So I decided to clean it up and plant a few chillies on the land behind me.

The land looked like this.

I've mowed it and added some old treated sleepers to it.


Whilst I was using the weedeater on the overgrown mess, I noticed what I thought was a weed. I was just about to cut it down when I realised it was a chilli plant. So I cleaned up around it and staked it up straight.



Full size photos are in my album here. Not much too look at at the moment but it has been growing in overgrown grass.
Tom Waits: In the neighborhood :oops: ...wrong thread again...

Nice! Will you have to share those nice pods with the mayor? ;)
Screw the Mayor i say!!

Thats a great find and a great plot me lord, just goes to show that when you do something good you are always rewarded. Sometimes sooner rather than later:) What are you planing on planting there?

@Armadillo whats up with the posting in the wrong thread thing? Not being nosey just curious, i have noticed it a couple of times is all:)
LV - heck you were only getting ready to plant some chile plants, then you found a big chile plant thats already growing pods, thats a good find, congrats.

Novacastrian said:
@Armadillo whats up with the posting in the wrong thread thing? Not being nosey just curious, i have noticed it a couple of times is all:)

ditto! I've noticed it too, I thought they were inside jokes or just going over my head cuz I didnt get'em.
chilehunter said:
LV - heck you were only getting ready to plant some chile plants, then you found a big chile plant thats already growing pods, thats a good find, congrats.
Around here we call that "synconicity" ;)
I'm thinking you threw some rotten pods or old plants with pods still attached over the fence at some time.
Or birds carried seeds over from your garden.
Novacastrian said:
Thats a great find and a great plot me lord, just goes to show that when you do something good you are always rewarded. Sometimes sooner rather than later:) What are you planing on planting there?

Probably some birdseyes, superchillies and some of those ball shaped chillies (not sure what variety they are, they are rather mild though)

ABurningMouth said:
I'm thinking you threw some rotten pods or old plants with pods still attached over the fence at some time.
Or birds carried seeds over from your garden.

Not sure, we've been in our current domicile for about 3 1/2 years now. A couple of plants that I put in did die from neglect not long after. I can't remember throwing it over the back fence, but I certainly can't rule out that possibility either.

Now to give it some love and attention and watch it thrive.