Anaheim Pepper Trunk Wont Thicken. Becoming Top Heavy.

Hey community.
Quick question: How do I help my anaheim pepper plant grow out instead of up. The main trunk is pretty thin and there are two stalks growing from the trunk. The stalks are seemingly thicker than the trunk which makes me think that a good wind gust could snap it in half. 
Also the plant does not want to start producing fruit. Many blossoms which I have hand pollinated but they still just die and fall off.
My bell pepper plant which is right next to it is growing like crazy and has a lot of fruit.
Do I simply need to trim the top of the plant, just like you would with an apple tree? cut at a 45 degree angle?
There are ants and aphids but they are not causing much visible harm.
Sniurb said:
Hey community.
Quick question: How do I help my anaheim pepper plant grow out instead of up. The main trunk is pretty thin and there are two stalks growing from the trunk. The stalks are seemingly thicker than the trunk which makes me think that a good wind gust could snap it in half. 
Also the plant does not want to start producing fruit. Many blossoms which I have hand pollinated but they still just die and fall off.
My bell pepper plant which is right next to it is growing like crazy and has a lot of fruit.
Do I simply need to trim the top of the plant, just like you would with an apple tree? cut at a 45 degree angle?
There are ants and aphids but they are not causing much visible harm.
I would not "trim" any part of plant at this late stage. I would "tie up/support" plant to that dowel in pot.

you could certainly top them but im not sure that it would help strengthen the stem. I could be wrong though. I live in a high wind area and i usually stake my plants but i also add water soluble silica to the water every few weeks. Its spose to help strengthen the stems. Most hydro stores have it or you can find it online obviously. Its also spose to help the plants cope with extreme temperatures.
If you top it this late in the season, you could run the risk of it not producing fruit soon enough to ripen before the end of the season.More light tends to keep them compact, they are a full sun plant and will become leggy in limited sunlight.
You can also cage it like you would a tomato plant, when it fruits, hang the branches over the cage and everything will be fine.
Thanks everybody for the advise.
As you can see in the photo Ive been using diatomaceous earth to keep ants and aphids off the plant, which appears to be working. Can I simply mix some DE in next time I fertilize (which will be next week)?
I'll add another zip-tie to the upper section of the plant.