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And now for something completely different.

Wow you have some big plans mate. I have found just the addition of some leds to any cfl set up really help out.

Good luck with the projects.

A few more pics.
I've started a bunch of stuff early this year. REAL early. But hey, the greenhaus is cleared out and the heat is going out there, so we'll see what happens. I'm thinking I'll move a bunch of the 4" pots in the picture out there next month-

This is a Bhut Jolokia that has never seen sunlight-

I believe the phrase is 'inter-nodal distance.'

The same Bhut-

I stopped pinching buds 2 weeks ago. Multiply this bunch by about 6, and that's what this plant is packing right now.
LGHT said:
Nice setup. I also considered the LED option, but the amount of money I would have had to spend up front to get "Quad-5" 5,555 lumans per square foot would have cost me around $800 for a 10x5 closet. How many lumans are you getting per square foot with your setup?


I don't think one needs anything close to 5555 lumens per square foot (or 5555 Foot candles) of LED light. I had a plant under a CFL bulb that was doing great until it got about 15" tall and then it quite growing, adding an inch in about a week. I moved it under a LED panel where it is getting 2000 Lux (~186 FC) at a distance of 20" and the plant seems to be growing nicely. It's added two inches in three days but has kept the internode distance extremely tight.

I'm looking at a 120 watt LED that is said to provide 2800 lux (260 FC) at three feet. Supposedly, it will cover a 5' grow area. If so, after paying for the panel, it would save me $300 over a 120 day grow period compared to HPS.

An interesting side note about LED traffic lights: the major complaint is that the bulbs do not put out enough heat to melt snow that can accumulate on them during a winter storm. I've seen this recently - two days after a blast.

Mike, i wasn't clear witch site adress i wanted , the site for the stop lights. the site above is great Mahalo Alex

I cannot find a site to buy traffic light bulbs from, at least not at any decent price. Talk with someone who works at the Service Department in your city - they should know where they get theirs from. One guy told me they pay about $25 per bulb, which seems too good to be true.

Not sure which you were referring to, so I'll take a stab at both :)
Here's an article about the snowed covered stoplights. When the conditions are just right- sticky snow and high winds- they can be a real pisser and get completely covered.
As for buying the stop lights, the Dialight and Philips Lumileds are the only two I'll buy- pretty much all the rest of them are way too low powered to be worth a damn. Particularly GE- avoid them like the plague as with anything else they produce.
I've bought a few off this seller- she ships quick and cheap, and the lights look brand new. All you have to do is wire them into a standard 110vAC plug and light 'em up. I've tested them individually with a Kill-a-Watt and one is 6 watts and the other is 10 watts (I forget which is which without going and looking) so you can wire a LOT of 'em up into one plug.

Of course, if you were talking about something else entirely then please disregard this post. :P
wordwiz said:

I cannot find a site to buy traffic light bulbs from, at least not at any decent price. Talk with someone who works at the Service Department in your city - they should know where they get theirs from. One guy told me they pay about $25 per bulb, which seems too good to be true.


$9.95 plus shipping off Eslay.
I called Dialight about some blue 12" LED lights- $225 each. NO THANKS.
So I'm sitting there looking at this setup, and I got to thinking to myself- 'Self, why are there red lenses over the traffic lights if they are red LEDs?' The DOT specifications state very clearly that they are to be red LEDs, not clear with a red filter. So WTH?
After a few beers (as most every decent and worthwhile project begins), I go head out in the shop with one of the 12" stoplights. I figure I've gotta figure this out and if it takes sacrificing one of these things, hell with it. So after some quick precision work with a 4" grinder, bingo-

Not just the red filter, but another OPAQUE filter under that one as well! HAH! LIGHT THIEVES!!!!

To my delight, I also discover inside that the 18 Lumiled LEDs are neatly mounted on a board, and the driver is mounted on a separate board, and they are both secured inside the traffic light housing with screws!

SHWEET! Now, to find out if I wrecked it by performing surgery or not- I wire nutted the pigtail to a plug and-

I promply blinded myself by staring square at the damn LEDs when I flicked the switch.
That hurt.

So now they're about twice as bright, and where the footprint was once 12 in diameter, it is now 4 inches square which means MORE LIGHT!!! Not to mention cutting the weight of the light panel WAY down by getting rid of the traffic light housing, which will make it a hell of a lot easier to adjust elevation of the light panel. I've got a couple weeks before I get home, plenty of time to devise a totally new platform on which to mount everything... I'm thinking about an aluminum panel with a pancake fan for cooling... muaaahahahahahaaaaaaaa!
it's nothing at all. The traffic lights come prewired with pigtails, all you have to do is wire that into a standard 110v plug, and plug that into a standard wall socket. Each light is a little less than 10 watts, so it's no big deal to wire a bunch of them up on the same plug.
Hinky said:
SHWEET! Now, to find out if I wrecked it by performing surgery or not- I wire nutted the pigtail to a plug and-

I promply blinded myself by staring square at the damn LEDs when I flicked the switch.
That hurt.

HAL9000 I tell you...
