• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Angies Log 2011

Hello guys, i've been reading about everyones growing for the past few months, and finally thought i'd pipe in :)
Got the gardening bug a couple of years ago, tested with some strawberries etc to see if i could keep them alive and have been doing it ever since, i've now moved on to chillis this year, last year i germinated some Bhuts with the intention of really seeing whether the enviroment i live in (country/City-english weather)was actually very conducive to them growing. It did work, and unfortunately they DID die over winter....but nevertheless i am at it again!

I germinated approximately 12 Purple Tiger seeds (capsicum annum variety) in November last year, and overwintered them, they all germinated successfully and after giving aproximately half away i have about 6 lovely looking plants in my growhouse (living in flat). This year i am growing them to gain experience with handling the plants and growing under normal conditions, the leaves are varigated white, purple and green which is pretty awesome, and as i'm not doing this too seriously this year i am letting them bud when they come through, which has been an amazing experience to watch! Its like having children i am so protective!
Will post some photos!

The growhouse has been their home for the last month i'd say, because the temp outside hasn't gone below 10c, so they hardened off pretty quickly which i'm happy with, today (10/05) i found a snail sat on my pot of lavender i'm growing (threw it into the bush with relish) and some of the bottom leaves have been nibbled, by a butterfly or caterpiller i think, will post some pics, had a good check and couldn't locate any though.... i DO have a resident ladybird that i caught and put on the for a nice home and it has kept them mostly free from aphids/greenfly which is nice! He DOES look comfy there.

The buds started forming about two weeks ago, and i didn't have the heart to pinch off this year!! The buds have started dropping and are about to flower!! :)

Anyway, thats my ramble over, hope you are all having a lovely season!!

Some pics!!


Will post some more pics as they grow, seems only yesterday they were so small, growing so fast atm!!!

How can i post pics and they show here instead of links?

Happy Growing!!
The ones with the thicker leaf and the stickers, smaller, are from sea springs, their plug selection, i have 2xApricot 1xTrinity and 1xFairy Lights, should be interesting to see, they grown approx 50% of their size since they arrived, been feeding them all miracle grow (controversial!) since the weather hasn't really been that great, and they have been loving it, next year i'll make my own fert! :)
Tried a Purple Tiger pod that was still purple the other day, was lovely, my boyfriend couldn't handle it though, but i liked it, i'm gonna dry some or pickle some though haven't decided!!