• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Angry New Mex Suave Orange's!!!!

So these have been growing in my grow room since april. The upper leaves have been curled upwards for a while now. I tried cutting them off nutrients and flushed them out with water i feed them CaMag this week and today i feed them nutrients. Not sure why they so mad at me? Should i put them in new soil? -Mikey

I was thinking about hacking them down and letting them re-grow?
,My habs are doing the same thing even though they are producing flowers and pods now. Thanks for posting and asking i will be following this to see what info and advice you get.
I had a Nex Mex Big Jim that did this too. I moved it outside a couple weeks ago and just now snapped out!

,My habs are doing the same thing even though they are producing flowers and pods now. Thanks for posting and asking i will be following this to see what info and advice you get.
I have been trying to flower the one in the first picture and it's not having it.
we had a long bought with drought and a heat wave that seamed to hurt a few of my plants but now that we got some rain and it cooled off a little they are all busting out with flowers and pods, hell one of my bhut jolokia's has at least 20 pods on it now, my white habs are podding well.
That looks to me like they are too close to the grow lights. They look curled up and burnt. Try raising the lights a little bit. I don't think it's so much a nutrient deficiency, since you said you flushed it already.
That looks to me like they are too close to the grow lights. They look curled up and burnt. Try raising the lights a little bit. I don't think it's so much a nutrient deficiency, since you said you flushed it already.
i have been raising the lights every now and again. Raised them late last night. The other plant is doing the same and is far away from the light in my other room. The leaves are not burnt they are just curled.

Its actually on the outskirts of my light. so its not getting direct light.
The bottoms of the leaves look white, are there little white bumps on the undersides or the leaf stems/main stalks? If so, that would most likely be edema, which is from a combination of overwatering (result of poor drainage or too much watering), poor air circulation (no open windows or not high enough power fan), as well as too high humidity (also a result of poor air circulation).
^^ +1 with Hendrix, Ive noticed if they are too hot and humid (aka light too close) they will curl and look wart like on the bottoms...
I think of it as sweating faster than they can drink. and my fix was to lower temps. i also starting misting my plants when it was the hottest (when i got home from work), and added another fan

I should also add that i had way too many plants in a small space, so when they were all watered, as soon as the light came on the humidity skyrocketed.

kinda like the indoor growers version of sunburn... but possibly more like sunstroke ?? lol...
Good luck and CHEERS,
For one, the plant has out grown its container. As mentioned earlier the upper leaves appeared curled do to the heat from the lamps. What is the air temp at the plants upper growth . I run a couple of vortex fans....pretty much 24/7. If I didn't the main room can hit mid 90's......in the dead of winter. I occasionally see this happen with my Yellow Perrins and Red Rocoto's . The plants lone the metal halides but I keep them to the edge of the light pattern so they don't fry from the heat. Cutting back the plant is the option that I'd take. You can also safely repot into a larger container or even better trim the roots and beef up with fresh potting medium. You don't want the plant to spend its energy into the deformed leaves. What is the plant worth to you?
