• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
Thanks Scott, can post some more pics now: looking at chart--

Fatalii yellow

Scotch Bonnet yellow

7 Pod yellow

Brainstrain yellow


Red Manzano

Mexican Manzano--dirty child! :P

Pod on gypsey, a non-hot row/bed; that pod is now eaten. What that little thing mean, and couple Jals, putting on big pods like that!?  Already eaten a really bitter cayenne, but nice warm in the bitter. 2 of each of these at least. Skipped Tabascos, Jamie/Romy6 7 Pod Browns and 7 Pod Brown x Naga, Yellow Bouquet, CARDI, and Ramon's JA Habs because shot/posed some other day. Hope to get out and hit everything with layers of straw, cages/stakes, but want soil to evap some since sun is out. Thanks for looking! (Thanks Scott ;) !!)
Very organized...Annie the pepper plants hardened off well, a good bit of rain and the sun peeking out is drawing dem leaves up. Very healthy no yellowing or lower leaf droppage.

Do you stake, cage or just let them tomatoes sprawl ? I planted a few yesterday, added the usual blood/bone meals with worm castings to the planting holes. We had a good burst of rain with a dramitic show of lighting last night. I can imagine an overnight surge of plant growth, can't wait to check out the progress later.

Nice gift from Steve. You should get a few of the MoA's seeded. I planted some pepper seeds mid June last year and had pods in September. The Habs/Bonnets fall into the shorter range group for harvesting compared to the 120 day super-duper-pooper hots.

I bet dat gardens gonna look perdy when the mulch is dropped.
Your glog is always fast moving with energy ! rock-on...
PIC 1 said:
Very organized...Annie the pepper plants hardened off well, a good bit of rain and the sun peeking out is drawing dem leaves up. Very healthy no yellowing or lower leaf droppage.

Do you stake, cage or just let them tomatoes sprawl ? I planted a few yesterday, added the usual blood/bone meals with worm castings to the planting holes. We had a good burst of rain with a dramitic show of lighting last night. I can imagine an overnight surge of plant growth, can't wait to check out the progress later.

Nice gift from Steve. You should get a few of the MoA's seeded. I planted some pepper seeds mid June last year and had pods in September. The Habs/Bonnets fall into the shorter range group for harvesting compared to the 120 day super-duper-pooper hots.

I bet dat gardens gonna look perdy when the mulch is dropped.
Your glog is always fast moving with energy ! rock-on...
Greg! How are you all?! I cage and stake toms. Also, caging/staking some peppers this year. Rain after plant-out, needed rain, but don't want to walk on soil much--be easier to cage and stake now, but also to compact soil. Same goes with straw: I want it to hold moisture in as well as suppress weeds: not a problem now on the moisture aspect now! I know I "should" stake and cage maters at plant-out but idea was just to get them in. Also, ya know some toms tend to die for some reason; IME if they're going to croak, will be in first couple weeks. I have replacements, so want to wait, make sure all will live before I yank up cage/stake/ and redo.
Yep: I like a tidy garden, since I spent a couple of winters ago pulling out bermuda and crab by roots. "What's your winter hobby? Skiing?" "No; pulling obnoxious grasses out of garden." The scintillating conversation sort of long-pauses at that juncture! Ripped garden and pulled and pulled and burned and burned, so want to keep it that way: wet cardboard/newspaper at edges seems to work pretty well. Thanks for looking and commenting, hon: hope you and your family are well!
Holy cowabunga and it's begun, you’ve moved into high gear!!! I don't look for a minute and I'm pages behind ;) Very nice of you to pay respect to the peeps of MOORE, Okla. \o_ and I agree with your respect.
Everything looks awesome, love your home brewed pond tea … hell that would make me grow another foot ;) The plants look majestic in the ground, bet they’re loving it … muchacha you’ll soon be buried in boat loads of pods and veggies, awesome job, I love it \o/
Edit: I may have not relayed it properly in my post but I am so happy for you muchacha, I can't wait to see all you produce :)
4-barrel AACT ??-I'd say way high gear :)
Looked liked we got about 3-4" over the weekend at home.
Maybe an inch or two at the garden
Yeah I haven't staked tomatoes or peppers
Plants look very strong. Nice work!
WalkGood said:
Holy cowabunga and it's begun, you’ve moved into high gear!!! I don't look for a minute and I'm pages behind ;) Very nice of you to pay respect to the peeps of MOORE, Okla. \o_ and I agree with your respect.
Everything looks awesome, love your home brewed pond tea … hell that would make me grow another foot ;) The plants look majestic in the ground, bet they’re loving it … muchacha you’ll soon be buried in boat loads of pods and veggies, awesome job, I love it \o/
Edit: I may have not relayed it properly in my post but I am so happy for you muchacha, I can't wait to see all you produce :)
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Ramon!  Everybody on THP: y'all inspire! Yep, that was some potent tea when it finished brewing, smelled delicious. I shoulda had a drink to see if I could grow a new back/neck nerve set . . .
Devv said:
At work, short break, so short comments. You just don't know how happy I am to see these babies hit the dirt. I hop Ma nature treats you right for the rest of the season...
Who knows what Ma Nature will do, Scott? Been doing this fun experiment with Weather Chan online. After dinner last night and the other half mowed down all the clover, loaded with bees near garden. Me about to CRY, since I let that clover grow, intentionally; it was loaded with honey bees, which are as we know, nearly extinct. Sure bubble bees, but honey b's provide us with so much more!! Anyhow, reloaded WC at 9 pm. Said, "expect thunderstorms to end by 8:30 pm." Huh? Not cloud in sky. No rain. Then I reloaded again, said, "expect thunderstorms to end by 11:30 pm" then reloaded within a minute, and "expect dry conditions over the next 6 hours." I closed out the tab. Hope everybody remains big storm-free. Thanks Scott!
DesertChris said:
Oh Boy!
They look happy in the soil! :)
I'm now doing the "pepper plant out dance" in honor of your peppers...LOL
:dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:
Thanks for dance, Chris! My peppers just jiggled  :P  Now they think they Elvis! Might PM you about some irrigation ideas I have, none as ingeniously elaborate as yours: wow. You and Scott got it going on!
JJJessee said:
4-barrel AACT ??-I'd say way high gear :)
Looked liked we got about 3-4" over the weekend at home.
Maybe an inch or two at the garden
Yeah I haven't staked tomatoes or peppers
Plants look very strong. Nice work!
Yeah, Carl, rain can chill-out any time it just would like to do so, dang. What "brand" of clay you have? I think Pia and I have about same but studying clay soils is complex: your sand import really worked, but might not work here; never been brave enough to try it. But willing. Just beginning to study Ultisols and "subcultures" lol, within it. Called local NCSU Ag. Extension Agency and they had no clue what I was talking about. Hmm. Not staking/caging until this weekend with storms continuing to be called--but we do have a "nifty" cold front moving in again. Is that headed your way as well? Peace, hon and thanks for commenting!
Bodeen said:
Really looking nice
Thank you, Bodeen! You got some gorgeous looking stuff goin' on!
Looking good Annie
I know what you mean about the weather channel app. I actually uninstalled it because of that. One min it would say one thing, the next something completely diff. Yet it wouls say updated 1 min ago. I know weather changes but damn not that quick that much LOL
When I planted out I checked the app and it said rain so I figured ok dont really have to water, let Ma nature do it. Sat down to relax after I was done and checked again, clear sky and no rain. WTH. Woke up at 1am to go to bathroom and it was raining. Got rid of the app the next morning.
koskorgul said:
Looking good Annie
I know what you mean about the weather channel app. I actually uninstalled it because of that. One min it would say one thing, the next something completely diff. Yet it wouls say updated 1 min ago. I know weather changes but damn not that quick that much LOL
When I planted out I checked the app and it said rain so I figured ok dont really have to water, let Ma nature do it. Sat down to relax after I was done and checked again, clear sky and no rain. WTH. Woke up at 1am to go to bathroom and it was raining. Got rid of the app the next morning.
I keep the damned thing for amusement purposes, Rob. And I generally expect a 180 of whatever it forecasts in spring! But when it's 9 pm and the damned thing says, while it's clear outside, to expect thunderstorms to end a half hour earlier than time that it is? We don't have great comedy on t.v. any longer. Also, it's groovy to see End of Course and End of Grade testing at work! :rolleyes:
I'm about ready to cry UNCLE on the rain and guess we'll be getting blackberry winter after all -High-Low for the  weekend is 69 -39.
My clay is medium brown wet, but closer to gray when dry. I haven't done a stratification test but I don't think there is really much sand in it. It was in pasture but un-grazed a long time so it has a fairly good texture -for clay.
Some places we have red clay. but that's mostly sub-soil
JJJessee said:
I'm about ready to cry UNCLE on the rain and guess we'll be getting blackberry winter after all -High-Low for the  weekend is 69 -39. …
I hope you don’t get dat cold snap but when it comes to rain I’ve done called “Uncle” already. It’s raining more per day down here than typical rainy seasons give. My only saving grace is that most all my plants are in well drained large nursery pots. That said, I can tell by the leaves they don’t want mas agua :/
WalkGood said:
I hope you don’t get dat cold snap but when it comes to rain I’ve done called “Uncle” already. It’s raining more per day down here than typical rainy seasons give. My only saving grace is that most all my plants are in well drained large nursery pots. That said, I can tell by the leaves they don’t want mas agua :/
And I'm watering every day, crazy isn't it? I would love to see a tad of equilibrium in our weather...
annie57 said:
I keep the damned thing for amusement purposes, Rob. And I generally expect a 180 of whatever it forecasts in spring! But when it's 9 pm and the damned thing says, while it's clear outside, to expect thunderstorms to end a half hour earlier than time that it is? We don't have great comedy on t.v. any longer. Also, it's groovy to see End of Course and End of Grade testing at work! :rolleyes:
I was going to keep it, just because but figured I could use the space on my phone for something better. Like Furit ninja or something LOL.
Rained here lastnight We got a quick heavy rain T-storm come through and then a nice slow soaking rain after that. Plants are going to love it. I was checking everything out before the rain and noticed my first flowers on a couple of plants. Got so excited I called everyone out to check it out. LOL
JJJessee said:
I'm about ready to cry UNCLE on the rain and guess we'll be getting blackberry winter after all -High-Low for the  weekend is 69 -39.
My clay is medium brown wet, but closer to gray when dry. I haven't done a stratification test but I don't think there is really much sand in it. It was in pasture but un-grazed a long time so it has a fairly good texture -for clay.
Some places we have red clay. but that's mostly sub-soil
I done cried UNCLE, cried GOD! prayed, etc. on the rain, Carl. Not gonna take a pic of the garden, yet: looks like rice paddy--glad I did raised beds and haven't went to west end to even look. FLOODED. You probably have a variation of Ultisols. "Gray when dry" as "kinda yellow-orange when dry." Mineral rich. But since mine is flooded between beds, except one, just red-orange, and about to freeze maybe? Jesus. But the nice thing is that with 14 hours of HARD HARD HARD rain, the basement didn't flood. Not much. And I maybe could go ice skating between beds over weekend, although east end "didn't understand my drainage flow" :rolleyes:  in the garden and looks like a mater or two almost standing in water. Guess see if Actinovate/Biotamax really does work :rofl:  My grandmother said that in 1925 there was a killing frost in May that went from TN, VA, to Southern GA. She was 10; she remembered it as the only time she saw her father cry. They were pretty hungry the following winter. Ya know, as bad as it is, at least we got grocery stores. Got my Pollyanna Cowgirl boots back on today. Hope we dodge the freezing bullet, my friend.
WalkGood said:
I hope you don’t get dat cold snap but when it comes to rain I’ve done called “Uncle” already. It’s raining more per day down here than typical rainy seasons give. My only saving grace is that most all my plants are in well drained large nursery pots. That said, I can tell by the leaves they don’t want mas agua :/
No mas agua Señor! I was praying last night--didn't get to sleep until 2am--worried about garden. I tried to set up a system where IF May 6th repeated itself, wouldn't happen again.
Mama had also bought her potting soil, so yesterday, since they were only calling for 30% chance rain (when will I learn?) I went over with amendments--none of which had sump-pump--potted up several Cayenne, Jals, one of yours for her, Ramon, because she just loves a good-tasting hab--several tomatoes in 15 gallon pots. I called my father around 5 pm, when I reasoned those things had enough rain--3 hours of hard rain, since I watered 'em in, like an idiot with Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro--that, I might convince Mama to buy, but no way she's throwing down 50 bucks for gallon of Neptune's Harvest. I begged my dad to put them on front porch or get my brother, over there, to help him load them on cart into their garage. That didn't happen. Daddy forgot. Hmm. I've not called her yet this morning. I just potted them: NOT getting in the way of their argument. I always did as a kid and then they turned on me. My mother feels ya, Ramon!!
If I have the heart, will take pics of garden later. Calling for more damn rain today + cold. Hmm. Hope yours stay as dry as possible, querido!
Devv said:
And I'm watering every day, crazy isn't it? I would love to see a tad of equilibrium in our weather...
Well, different zones are prone to different weathers, hon. But ours is not particularly known for flooding except in rare examples like the 1916? flood. I wasn't here for 2004 flooding. (My grandmother talked about 1916 as she heard it talked about.) Yeah, it's weird, Scott!
But worse, friends have called really upset this morning: they planted in rows rather than raising beds within gardens. To plant in a row after that May 6th flooding? Come on! Lightening can strike twice. Their plants are floating, uprooted. God bless 'em. I drove over to this old fellas house this morning soon as got up; 87 and still planting huge garden 2 acres: his corn was leaning, not looking too great because his low area is also east; he plants corn there. A LOT of corn. BUT, he planted in raised beds this year within garden. I conned him into that, even though he's planted in rows all his life. I went down there with his son, other neighbors; we got those little shoots upright in muck, FWIW. (His potatoes are another story.) But living on a fixed income solely, he relies on that garden. Chicken coop another story in high winds but I'll let the men on that side town, where we used to live--the agricultural side of town is more neighborly--fix that. Here, they get "neighborly" come harvest.
Depends on cold next couple of nights whether have one left to harvest or not! Can do nothing so . . . again, may have heart to post pics later today--or may wait . . . possible frosts. I hope to Hades, THEY NOT RIGHT. Since 30 percent chance turned into 5 inches, they sure to shit missed that one! But, with all that said, I'm not grieving the deaths of my boys, which I well could be if I lived in Moore, OK. Peace, y'all!
Frost comming? When?
Remember if it frosts to run sprinkler on the plants. I used a single impact rotor type, went down to 26 or 27 that morning. I left it on until the ice melted, yes the plants looked like an ice strom had passed through. Only lost one pepper..
Good luck!
Pretty extensive garden space there, Annie!
Sorry to hear about the flooding woes, sounds
like you may have fared better than some of
those neighbors.
Devv said:
Frost comming? When?
Remember if it frosts to run sprinkler on the plants. I used a single impact rotor type, went down to 26 or 27 that morning. I left it on until the ice melted, yes the plants looked like an ice strom had passed through. Only lost one pepper..
Good luck!
Scott, that's good advice if one has an oscillating sprinkler on tripod that will cover that much area: I don't use overheads and have invested all that I can in this garden already, hon. Jugging would also work but couldn't jug 150 plants, not counting the raised beds, even if I had the sheer number of gallon containers to do that. Hoping that 42F means that and nothing more, like frost. Even 42F plus the severely high winds we're supposed to have today, until midnight, will probably set them back, as did that much rain, but I can't invest in a sprinkler. Lake wind advisory will dry garden, high winds prevent frost, but supposed to cease around midnight, hissboo. If these plants survive, they'll be some tough, tough children! We're just not prepared, IN THIS TEMPERATE ZONE :rofl: to be dealing with insane weather at end of May :rolleyes:  given last frost date is April 15. (And we see how well that worked this year! :crazy: ) Thanks sweetie!
PaulG said:
Pretty extensive garden space there, Annie!
Sorry to hear about the flooding woes, sounds
like you may have fared better than some of
those neighbors.
Yeah, I feel for neighbors. At least 20 mph winds today will dry the soil some . . . if we could get a little of that wind sustaining to 10 mph AFTER midnight, frost couldn't settle. Yeah, too extensive a garden to sprinkle or jug, at this late date! I'll know next week how everything did once we're back in 90F's! It could be worse: I could have them in containers! "Excuse me, could I borrow your airplane hanger?" Or I could invest in dining canopies for midgets . . . hmm. Thanks for stopping in and commenting, Paul. Followed your clone glog for a while last year I think? Peace, Annie!
We had some strong storms move through on Wednesday night, then a steady rain. Had stronger storms lastnight and more steady rain. Has been raining all day so far today. I watered on Monday and now with all this rain I am beginning to get a little worried that they are getting too much.
Good news is that it is supposed to clear up, temps go back up into the upper 70's and rain should die down this weekend