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Anniversary Contest!

I wasn't gonna play cause I've already won lots of contest here. But then you threw down the gauntlet with the rocoto jelly.  :drooling:
I just can't walk away from that.
I guess 138 THX for the fun and excitement TGCM!  :dance:
And for the record, I think Terry actually counted them  :rofl: Dont ask me how i know  ;)
Oh and Grant if it makes you feel any better, I just did 28 hours in a 40 hour period   :cheers:
Rocoto jelly looks amazing ! Is it all rocoto fruit?
Great contest Dale!
You're not going to wait a week to post #1000 are you? That would totally screw my count LoL.

193. Happy anniversary
Only one more post to 1000...

There are 25 different varieties of ripe pods waiting to be picked and jump in an MFRB to the winner, not to mention both rocoto jellies, an assortment of rare seeds, dried pods, powders, hatch green chile jerky, and a few other prizes.

Get your guess in now, because post 1000 will be coming soon!