I am always looking for sauce makers. Shoot me an email or message me. And looking at your site, we should talk.salsalady said:
sounds like a good program, I wish you guys much success.
Give me a holler if you're looking for more sauce makers. Or maybe we can work something out for Pure Evil.
Yeah Japan is a bit outside our comfort zone. But thanks for the support.filmost said:You guys in the states have all the fun.
Looks like an awesome biz though! ;-) If I still lived in the states I would be all over this!
Hey Verivus, the price is $25/month and that includes shipping and handling inside the US.Verivus said:Wow, this is a great idea! Do you have any idea yet what the cost will be?
Scoville DeVille said:Damm bro, you're OP was top notch and informative. To be honest, I was expecting some Spammy type thread, but no.... VERY appropriate for this forum, as there are some pretty kickass sauciere's here, Texas Creek Products, Lucky Dog Hot Sauce, Pex Peppers, (to name a few), and LOTS of consumers. I will check you out and maybe sign up.
Good luck dude. Great idea you have there.
Oh yeah, and DEFCON has thee best wing sauce on the planet.
pepperguy1 said:That sounds like a really good price.