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Annum start times

Here where I am in Southern Ontario, Canada usually the danger of frost ends around May 24. Now I have already started my chinense and superhots. They're just starting to germinate now. But I'm wondering if it's possible to start Annums too early. Usually the rule is 8-10 weeks before last frost.

What happens if I start them now. (I'm really excited and anxious:lol:)

Will they just start to fruit earlier or could this be detrimental to the plant?
Hotpeppa said:
Hey Diabolus,

what kind of suprehots are you growing? and how are they doing ?

im also in Ontario...

Last year I had a few nice plants of Red Habs and Red Scotch Bonnets. They turned out pretty good but I started them in March and they barely ripened in time. (Almost October)

This year I'm starting way earlier and I'm attempting:

Bih Jolokia
Hot Papaer Lantern

Sowed seeds about a week ago and only a Tepin has sprouted so far.