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container Another 36 Transplanted to 5 Gallon Containers

My toms are $2.50 each, the peppers (except Bhuts) are $3.50, the Bhuts are $5.00 because I had to start them a month earlier and the Angel Trumpets are $10. I'm also selling basil in 5.5" pots for $3.50.

I sold a couple of plants to a chef at a local place. I was asking $10 for a B. Jolokia and he was willing to pay it. I ended up giving him two 10"+ Bhuts and three smaller plants, Fatalii, 7 Pot and a Hot Paper Lantern for $20. Can't wait to see the menu this fall.:lol:
Those annums look very robust, AJ! What is your fert regimen once they hit the outdoors (not specifics, just general). Also, have you stopped with the SuperThrive?
Omri said:
I'd sell mature plants for 25ILS (~$5.5USD) and smaller ones according to how much they cost me.


That's the nub - figuring out what they cost. Seeds run from $1.25 - $4.00 a packet, but the number can vary from 25 to over 100, even for the same price. I pay about $11 for a 50 quart bag of potting soil, but almost all my plants are in 3" containers, except for the basil and Kenaf Hibiscus and Trumpets.

My biggest expenses this year were:
Seeds: $123 (but I have a bunch left over - guaranteed 35 seeds per packet and some had over 100)
Potting Soil: $120 (not an area I want to save money - I like this stuff even if it does cost more)
Electricity: $95 and counting (next year, it will be next to nothing - I will raise everything that makes it to a transplant stage in a GH.

It's nearly impossible for me to assign a cost per plant, so I look at the market and set my base price from that. Some places are selling toms as cheap as $1.50 each but they are in smaller cells, others are charging $3 each. That's why I priced mine at $2.50 - a bit more but I can tell people they have been raised using only natural ferts, nuits and pesticides (OH law won't allow me to claim organic status). Because I started the peppers a month earlier, I added a dollar to their cost. I was going to price my Trumpets at $12.50 since the few places that sell them want $16-19 for ones in a gallon pot. But if I can avoid having to repot them and still get $10, I'm happy. I spent $8 on the seeds and have sold about $80 worth of plants and still have three or four to sell.

I have an organized system of checking exactly how much each plant cost me. so yeah, it's possible for me anyways.
Thanks all...

lee said:
Nice AJ. How many plants do you got?

I have 114 in 5 gallon containers now with still in the neighborhood of 100 (or more) to transplant. There are still near 350 in the greenhouse begging for transplant...

PeteyPepper said:
Those annums look very robust, AJ! What is your fert regimen once they hit the outdoors (not specifics, just general). Also, have you stopped with the SuperThrive?

I feed the plants once a week once they get transplanted to 5 gallon containers (will use the botanicare stuff until end of may then switch to vigaro 10-10-10 liquid until middle of august)...I only use the superthrive for the first 30 days after germination then stop...

Its gonna be an eventful day here...got a lot of work to do in the yard...I am going to try and get another 25 transplanted to their summer homes...as Okie Joe said in one of his posts...the wind has blown sustained at 25mph or above for the past three or four days so all transplants will have to be in a "sheltered" area....
worlok said:
I am SERIOUSLY considering a move to warmer climes someday when I can actually do it.....

Oh man, me too. Actually thinking of transferring to UT Austin. MILDLY better weather than here in chicago....

...lol :lol::

Which'd be kinda close to you, AJ. Anywho, speaking of, where do all of you guys find those black containers? I've got 14 plants that need bigger containers! haha!
come on down pita...weathers just fine..

black containers...bought some blow mold ones last year from my nursery for $1 each....they will last a couple of seasone if you are careful with them....then this year when I was looking for some heavier duty ones...I found some used ones at another nursery and go them for $1 each...these will last me for several years...