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Another 93 Transplanted Today 03-06-09


I transplanted another 93 today...

28 Bhut Jolokia
12 Dorset Naga
6 Caribbean Red
1 Jalapeno M
11 Jalapeno Heaven
10 Jalapeno Grande
9 Billy Biker
7 Purple Serrano
9 Serrano


Tomorrow and Sunday will be more transplanting...here are the seedlings still in the starter trays that are ready for transplant...

Beautiful set up and plants! How long did that take you? It takes me like 40 minutes to transplant 5 plants...
UnNatural said:
How long did that take you? It takes me like 40 minutes to transplant 5 plants...

I was wondering the same thing. All I got done yesterday was 9 transplants from 4" to 1 gal and 6 transplants from 9 oz to 4". but then I have to mix and sieve the soil as I go, which takes for. ev. ah. And I forgot to pot up the remaining wax that I didn't put in the ground. ::sigh::
Of course, I use a 4 hr workday. :lol:

How old are those Carib Reds? I have 4 that were planted on 1/18 or so. Love to compare if yours are a similar age. :cool:
Dyce51 said:
lookin great there AJ I wish I had the room to plant that many!!!!

thanks Dyce...got a very understanding wife...she said as long as I leave room for her HHR, I can do what I want with the growrage...

UnNatural said:
Beautiful set up and plants! How long did that take you? It takes me like 40 minutes to transplant 5 plants...

UnNatural/Carol...it took me about 4 hours...if I hurry, I can transplant about 40 an hour but I was piddlin' doing this and that along with transplanting...

caroltlw said:
I was wondering the same thing. All I got done yesterday was 9 transplants from 4" to 1 gal and 6 transplants from 9 oz to 4". but then I have to mix and sieve the soil as I go, which takes for. ev. ah. And I forgot to pot up the remaining wax that I didn't put in the ground. ::sigh::
Of course, I use a 4 hr workday. :lol:

How old are those Carib Reds? I have 4 that were planted on 1/18 or so. Love to compare if yours are a similar age. :cool:

The Caribbean Reds were planted 15 February...if you want me to get a closer shot of them, I am sure that can be arranged...
Did you give up on growing in beer cups this year AJ? As you probably know I really prefer the square pots, but I thought you liked the clear cups for some reason.
I do see 1 or 2 plastic cup:)
AlabamaJack said:
The Caribbean Reds were planted 15 February...if you want me to get a closer shot of them, I am sure that can be arranged...

Well dang-it. I have about a month head start on you. That should make us about even. ;)


Took this one the other day at about 6 weeks from seed. Not sure when they broke dirt.

[edit] Don't worry about that white spot on the one leaf. It's pine sap.
Did you give up on growing in beer cups this year AJ? As you probably know I really prefer the square pots, but I thought you liked the clear cups for some reason.
I do see 1 or 2 plastic cup:)

I did give up on the 9 ounce cups Potawie...the 3" square containers are much more compact than the cups in the holders I made last year...I bought 200 of the 3" square containers in the trays last year and I suppose with all the business I give my local nursery, he is giving me all the 3" square containers and trays I want this year for free...and I like free....he has already given me 400 this year...I think that is enough because I can reuse them...the first plants I transplanted to the 3" cups (103 of 'em) are ready for another round of transplant to larger containers....the roots are coming out of the holes in the bottom of their homes...
AlabamaJack said:
I did give up on the 9 ounce cups Potawie...the 3" square containers are much more compact than the cups in the holders I made last year...

I do like the way those square ones fit together on a tray. How deep are the 3" compared to a 9 oz? I like to train my roots to go deep ASAP.
caroltlw said:
Well dang-it. I have about a month head start on you. That should make us about even. ;)


Took this one the other day at about 6 weeks from seed. Not sure when they broke dirt.

[edit] Don't worry about that white spot on the one leaf. It's pine sap.

cool Carol...gives me something to shoot for...I will try and catch up with you and I bet you try and stay ahead of me...

here are mine just a minute or two ago...


caroltlw said:
I do like the way those square ones fit together on a tray. How deep are the 3" compared to a 9 oz? I like to train my roots to go deep ASAP.

they always said a picture is worth a thousand words....so here 'tis...you be the judge...the square containers hold more potting soil than the cups do...good or bad? I don't know...

I would think more soil is better for development of a large root ball. Not sure how the plants feel about being in a square container. Round peg, square hole? :lol:
Geez, guess I have to "find" some of those next year and leave the 9 oz for my givaways.

re: pictures
I've said it before. What a difference a month makes!
caroltlw said:
I would think more soil is better for development of a large root ball. Not sure how the plants feel about being in a square container. Round peg, square hole? :lol:
Geez, guess I have to "find" some of those next year and leave the 9 oz for my givaways.

I would think that too Carol...(good morning by the way)...I don't think the plants care as long as they get room for growth...definitely check with a nursery...like I said, my guy just gives them to me...and I offered to pay for them...I did, however buy 12 bags potting soil and YIPPEEEEE!!!, 4 18 qt bags of Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix....best stuff ever IMO....

caroltlw said:
re: pictures
I've said it before. What a difference a month makes!

you got that right...I hope mine get as big as yours have in a month...

AlabamaJack said:
4 18 qt bags of Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix....best stuff ever IMO....

I'm squirreling that away on mental sticky note for next year too. I'm not doing too bad for using some dirt I dug up out back. ;)
I found two 8 qt bags at the first of the season then my nursery couldn't get it and I had to switch to Jiffy seed starting mix or a FoxFarm starter...definitely did NOT like the FoxFarm because of the large size of the perlite...he finally found some and ordered it...It is getting harder and harder to get....

I can definitely tell the difference in Hoffmans, Jiffy, and FoxFarm when it comes to germination rates...the Hoffmans wins hands down....I am only getting about 40 transplants per 72 cell flat with the FoxFarm, 50 with the Jiffy, and 60 with the Hoffmans...
AJ, what's the composition of the Hoffmans? Their web site doesn't give all the information.
Here is a pic of the ingredients...nothing special and it does not give the percent makeup...the main reason I like it is because it is so lightweight and clean....extremely clean...

Decided to post a photolog of my transplanting today...

Here is a shot of my work area...with the first tray of transplants...alma paprika, hungarian wax, carrot peppers, golden greek pepperoncinis....


I don't think I have posted any new pics of my growrage since I have my work area set up..here is one view of my growrage.....


And another view of the growrage...


gonna be a long transplanting day...I hope to get at least 120 transplanted...

will post pics thru the day....
thanks Paul...

first 20 complete...


back in a while....